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25:52 Webinar

Purely Technical: Innovation Showcase

Pure Storage founder John “Coz” Colgrove dives into the past, present, and future of Pure Storage innovation with demos of new capabilities of the Pure Storage platform.
This webinar first aired on June 19, 2024
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Uh as Charlie said, you know, we're not big on rotational things at pure. So, uh this is an unusual uh change for us. Um So, you know, I want to talk to you about some of the uh exciting innovation and such we've been doing. And since the beginning of the company, uh we've always tended to focus on three different major axis of innovation.
And so the first one, which uh I know all of you are expecting an update on, we're talking about getting rid of disks, we're talking about incredible density and efficiency. And so, you know, last year I showed you a 3D printed model of this because we didn't have one yet. Uh But just, you know, we are continuing down the path. Uh This is 100 and 50 terabyte direct flash
module. And then you think about how many discs, one of these can replace, how much e waste one of these can replace how long the lifetime is the reliability, the performance. Um you know, these are the things that are going to help us wipe disks off the face of the planet.
Now, I also promised you that we're going to continue on that road map. So last year, you know, I can only show you a 3D printed model of one of these. Uh Now I've got an actual one. So this is now a 3d printed model of next year's 300 terabyte direct flash module. Every time we
take this step, we just get rid of another tranche of disks. And uh you know, we're gonna wipe them all out fairly soon. So, uh you know, that's really all I have to say about the uh density and disc wipe out road map. That was kind of our major theme last year. Uh This year, you've heard a lot of talk about uh you know,
simplicity and we're really making a major leap forward in simplicity. You know, a few years ago, we did a major leap forward in business models, evergreen one driving our evergreen architecture to the next step making a quantum leap forward. This year, we're making a quantum leap forward in the simplicity of managing the platform.
And so I'd like to start by having Matt Bradford come out and, you know, join us to take a look at something we're doing uh around simplicity. Hey, Matt, how are you doing? Good. How about you? Good, good. So let's talk about security. So, hey, everybody, my name is Matt Bradford and as a former C I admin and consultant turned
technical evangelist here at pure storage. I've seen both sides of the coin of how difficult it can be for customers to implement and maintain a consistent security configuration across their entire storage infrastructure. And so, in terms of pure speak, obviously, we're talking things like snapshot, safe mode,
active cluster and active Dr. And so being able to configure these and maintain that consistent configuration is exactly what the data protection assessment within pier one is focused on. Now, on the other hand, the security assessment, which we're going to dive into here really helps customers to understand their operational security and their compliance.
So jumping into it, you know, just like with the data protection assessment, we're providing customers with a benchmark of their current security posture. So this way they can compare their current posture with previous results and be able to track their improvements over time. We're also looking at operational security. So things you should probably know about like
if you have any buckets that are open to the public and compliance. So this is a cornerstone of the security assessment and we're looking for various, you know, compliance items such as if you're using active directory, Sam L LDA P authentication controls for your storage. And also to show that you have data encrypted at rest for things like compliance audits.
So, you know, that's uh some really cool stuff to take a look at. So what about the evolving threat landscape? Can it show me things around some of the anomalies in my environment? Absolutely. That's that's a great lead in. So, yeah, of course, the threat landscape is constantly evolving and the attack patterns are getting crazier, they're getting a lot more complex.
And so with the anomaly detection within pier one, that's really what we're focusing on is helping customers to, you know, understand when things are happening in their environments and also be able to recover much faster. So an example of this in our data reduction ratios, we're going to show the most recent snapshots for the impacted volumes. We're also looking for things like performance anomalies.
So these could, you know, as Prakash said, be indicators of something like a denial of service or maybe even data exfiltration. And we're also showing volume and snapshot count changes too because these are all things our customers should know about and being able to piece all of these pieces together. We can really start to paint a good picture of what's happening in our customers environments,
you know, so it's great that I can look across my entire environment and see these things. Can it show me what I should do about it? It absolutely can. So, you know, we offer actionable insights across all of our assessments with a pier one and this could be applied across the entire fleet or in this case, we can look at an individual array and for this array, we can see,
hey, there's a compliance issue because we're running an out of support version of purity. So if I have an out support version, can I go do some upgrades? Definitely with pier one, you can go into the software lifecycle page and you can perform a self service upgrade and now you can do this across an individual array. You can do it across an active cluster, active dr or even have bulk operations to upgrade
multiple arrays. So that way you're always up to date with the latest features and security enhancements. And so that's exactly how we're bringing that pure simplicity to something that's as complex as maintaining consistent security posture across the pure storage platform. That's really great. Uh And I think that will really help simplify
the way everybody looks at their security across their fleet. So thanks a lot, Matt. And um now I'd like to ask Yvonne to come out and uh show us a little bit about the uh pure copilot interface that uh we mentioned earlier.
Good morning, everybody. Good, good to see you guys and good to see all of you. My name is Ivan Hija. I'm a software engineer and I'm here to give you a sneak preview of pure A I Copilot. From day one, we have invested heavily in our phone home infrastructure. It is deeply embedded into purity operating system, which as you know,
is available in all of our products across our platform. For the last 12 months alone, we have over 25 petabytes of data that we use to continuously drive improvements for our products as well as to provide you with the best customer experience that you should be familiar with. We're now taking that data and put it in your fingertips by putting a natural language
interface to help you manage and secure your fleet at scale. So let's get into it and see how I can help us do just that. Let's start with an example, asking it to perform a security analysis of your organization. What the A I is doing is taking all the security features that are available in purity across all of our products.
And it's applying a security model to tell you how your security strategy stands against your peers, whether that is over 12,000 organizations that choose to phone home their data to us or against those in your vertical. So how's it coming up with that ranking? That is a great question. So why don't we ask it to tell us how it's doing just that the A I is going to describe
the security model and how it's breaking it down into four different areas, data protection, administrative, security, environmental security and protocol security. From here on you can ask it to focus on any one of these to provide you with potential ways to improve that area of security. In this example, let's take a look at environmental security.
The A I is giving us all of the features that map to environmental security. It is also giving us the percentage of how many bytes across all of your fleets of rate that are protected by the best security practice in each of these features as well as giving you a what if analysis of how your ranking would improve if you were to adopt the best practices for this feature? Now, with this information,
you can pick whichever one of these features you want to improve and ask it to provide you with an adoption plan. So let's take a look at just that, let's ask it for creating an adoption plan to improve directory services, channel security. What we see right now is the first thing that is giving us is the best practice for this
feature, which is to utilize LDA P over TLS and pinch roots of trust. It is then giving you a list of all of your arrays that do not have the security practice applied to it already and is sorting them by the ones with the greatest volume of data. So you know, where to start first from here on, you can now ask it to give you specific steps on how to enable these best security practices,
whether it's through the G I or through a cli. So you don't even have to go look at a support manual. So you know, I already know how to do that kind of change to the array. So what else can it do for me? Well, let me give you a little bit of background about myself,
as you know, for many years, I was the lead of the forensics team at pure storage. What that meant is that I was the person on the other side of the phone with, there were any issues with our race in the field. My job was to take symptoms that were present in an array and in the short of a time as possible and with all eyes on me, which is kind of like right now,
try to take all that information and narrow down the issue into a small of an area as possible. So that then I could find an expert to help us root cause and remediate this issue. I wish I had a helper to help me with that task. So let's take a look and see how A I can help us diagnose some of these issues.
And in particular performance diagnosis was one of the hardest issues to deal with because there's no simple thread to pull from. It's just general system behavior. So let's look at an example of just that, let's imagine, you know, I have an application that is experiencing slowness and all you know is a host name. So let's ask it to help us narrow down this issue and see what he can do for us.
The first thing that he is doing is mapping that host name to the flash array that it is connected to it. Is then doing, performing, performing a variety of analysis and telling you that it's experiencing high latency due to high business from there. It's showing you the the most active volumes with that information.
Now it's presenting you some potential ways to mitigate this high business scenario. The most interesting one here is the one suggesting you to migrate workloads because it has the visibility of all of your fleet of arrays. It understands what other arrays are available in the same availability zone and have the existing bandwidth in order to be able to take some of this workload off of this one.
You know, that's really great for when you know where to start. But a lot of times you know, there's just some slowness in the environment. People are blaming the storage. Uh you know, can this help diagnose things like that? For sure. In my job, I've seen everybody loves to blame
storage. It's one of the first things that everybody does. So let's see an example, you can just give it a time window and say, hey, help me narrow down an issue. Is there even an issue? What the A I is showing you? This example is that it's looking at all of
your arrays across your fleet. And it is highlighting the ones that you should evaluate in this example is you're seeing that it's giving us back two arrays, one which we saw from the previous example with high business and another one with high space utilization from here on, you can now make a determination whether there's even an issue at all.
So this is great if um you don't know where to start. Uh But um you know what if I'm just looking to make improvements in my uh organization, let's say I wanna prioritize some security improvements. Uh What would I do? Well, that is the beauty of this platform, this natural language interface that we put in in front of all of this data that we have
available allows you to choose your own adventure about how you want to interact with this data in order to manage and secure your fleeted scale. So let's walk you through an example about how I if I had a company would go about security and prioritizing my security improvements. I would first start by asking it, how much data did I write in the last day to see?
What is my most important data on a daily basis? In this example, it is showing me that I've written almost 272 terabytes in the last 24 hours. Now, I obviously want to know where is this data coming from? So I ask you to show me the five the top contributors to where this data is coming from. Now, I'm seeing that it's giving me a table with five volumes with the highest level of
data in the last day. And the first thing that catches my eyes is that the first one has the name scratch in it. Obviously, that's not that important. So let's ask it to remove all arrays and all volumes that have the words test or temp or scratch. So we can narrow down into some of the
important areas of data. Now, we're bringing it down to 100 and 33 terabytes of data and a different set of five volumes from this table. We can see that the top three volumes are the biggest contributors. So let's focus on those. And now let's ask for very specific security
and data protection recommendations for those particular three volumes. The A I is now going to take all of the features and the best security practices apply the the weight of the original security model that we showed you at first. And it's showing you very customized data protection as well as secure recommendations for each one of these volumes. And each one of these arrays from here on out,
you can now take a look and make a decision about where do you want to start in this period. So with all the data that uh you have on how we're using each and every array, uh can the A I help me predict what I'm going to need in the future? It's almost like you can see the future yourself. So let's take a look at the next example, which is you can give it a time window of your usage
and ask it to predict how that usage maps to the future. So let's see if we need to take any action for the next 12 months based on my usage over the last three months, the A I is breaking this problem down into two areas, capacity and performance is giving you the exact growth rate over the last three months as well as the specific time window by which you need to take action.
It is then providing you some recommendations in the case of performance for both median, as well as peak performance. So as an expert in both diagnosing issues and our products, managing infrastructure is hard and it is even harder to do it at scale across a fleet of a race.
Pure A I copilot is gonna make you an instant expert to manage and secure your fleet of storage at scale. Ok. So, uh so thanks Ivan. Um and uh just want to let everybody know that this is going to be available as a tech preview this summer. Uh And so if you're interested, please reach out to your pure account executive and uh we'd
love to have you using it. Um So now, you know, we've seen how the A I can help us manage the fleet better can help us gain insights into what we're going to need in the future. So I'd like to have Lana come out and give us a sneak peek at pure estimate. Hello. Hi.
Hi, good to see you. I'm doing good, how about you? Uh, it's so great to be here. So, um, this is a pure estimate uh, that you're gonna show us. Uh, what can it do? Uh, well, my name is Lana Gli,
I'm a UX designer at pure storage. And, you know, of course, when I tell people what I do UX design, I get interesting reaction. It's a moment of silence and a puzzled look. So I ask, do you know what architects do? And people say yes,
yes, architects design physical spaces with careful consideration how people navigate use and overall experience them. As a UX designer, I designed digital spaces solving specific problems, making sure that everything is easy to use and enjoyable. So at pure storage, we listen to our customers and we know that one of the major
problem they typically face is planning the storage upgrades. They may spend countless hours trying to predict future capacity performance functionality needs. It's a challenging task, right? Uh Questions like how much storage will we need? How much will it cost?
Are there any hidden fees? Um How can we maximize our initial investment? So our product design team thought about this problem and we wanted to transform this tedious process and make it as simple as shopping online. So today at accelerate, I'm really excited to introduce pure estimate
designed to streamline your storage, purchasing Jordan. So that's that's really neat. So you know, Yvonne was just showing us how I'm gonna need to buy more storage soon because I'm growing the usage on my arrays. Uh So, you know, when I see a button there for expand, uh can that tell me how to grow my?
Um Absolutely. Let's dive in and see how it works. Um Our lab requires more storage. So my goal today is to expand. Let's select that and pure estimate integrates A I driven pure one recommendations that are based on our current usage. So let's see what recommendations we have.
We can browse recommendations by what's important to us and we can select a specific appliance and see what we have there. So here we have two recommendations to expand this appliance to 240 terabytes or upgrade to a new controller for better capacity consolidation. Uh We can also drill down and see additional details.
So we understand why these recommendations, why this recommendation is made to us and to see projected capacity growth. So you're actually showing me based on the past and everything we have in the phone home, what my future needs are gonna look like on that array. So let's go ahead and add this recommendation to our shopping cart. And from here, we can review the estimate and
create a quote or keep adding more items. So, so can you show me how to do things like modernize my fleet? Absolutely. Um a project like consolidating or modernizing your fleet um requires thorough planning and it may take several weeks or sometimes more as you guys know. So with pure, with pure estimate,
we hope to reduce it to a few clicks and be done in under five minutes. So let's select modernize and then optimize my assets. And here we can see all data set centers on our map. So let's select Florence for Texas as a data center, we want to optimize and in the recommendations panel, we can see consolidate assets recommendation.
So let's take a look. Um So in this data center, we have six x 20 arrays, we can select some of them or all and consolidate you a single X 50. So this is actually telling me how I can take uh six arrays that I currently have installed and consolidate them into one slightly larger
array. Exactly. And you can also increase capacity while reducing your total cost of operations and reducing using less energy. Yes. Uh But what we also can do, we can take this erase and apply the trade in value towards evergreen one subscription. So let's estimate that and add it to our shopping cart.
Um And just like that with almost no effort, we have a plan to take six kx rays, move them to Evergreen one and see an estimated cost and savings that we get. So let's add it to our shopping cart and now we can review the estimate and here's the best part that I hope you all of you will love.
Uh pure storage, understands the importance of your existing storage investment. So we offer a unique trading program similar to trading a car, trading in a car. So your initial investment will keep working for you because there is equity there and pure storage is willing to pay for it. Right?
And here it is, here's a sneak preview with pure estimate. You can scale seamlessly non disruptively and reduce the time that you may typically spend for planning and budgeting your storage needs. That's really neat. And you know, I mean, I think it makes buying and upgrading my fleet as easy as buying a book online.
That's the idea. Great. Uh So thanks a lot Lana for that peek. So a and I hope, you know, through these demos, um you've gotten a glimpse of how, you know, the future of storage, you know, is so much simpler to operate and it's really a quantum leap forward, the insights you can get into your fleet,
your ability to manage 1020 50 100 you know, arrays as easily as you could do one, maybe even easier and to do it better. And by the way, the danger of letting say your executives use that chat interface and then go and hey, make that change for me. Um You know, but uh the future of uh storage is kind of exciting in terms of how good you're
gonna be able to run things. So um now I have the honor of announcing our North America goat breakthrough winner, uh long time customer and partner uh N TT data N TT data connects people data and things to improve the lives of billions and the businesses they rely on each day. Since 2014 N TT data has been leveraging the
pure storage platform which now powers its massive data lake handling 400 terabytes of data and billion records each day easily with zero downtime. What shrinking its data center footprint and cutting its energy costs in half to foster a more sustainable future. We tip our heads to N TT data winner of this year's pure storage. Greatest of all time breakthrough award.
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John “Coz” Colgrove

Founder and Chief Visionary Officer, Pure Storage

John "Coz" Colgrove, founder of Pure Storage, explores the past, present, and future of Pure Storage innovation. Discover the latest advancements in storage technology, including the impressive 150 terabyte and upcoming 300 terabyte DirectFlash® modules aimed at eliminating traditional disks. Learn about the new security and data protection features within Pure1®, and see how the Pure AI Copilot simplifies fleet management with AI-driven insights. Explore Pure Estimate, a tool that streamlines storage purchasing and planning. See how Pure Storage continues to revolutionize data storage, making it simpler, more efficient, and ready for the future.


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Pure Storage FlashArray//X | Data Sheet
FlashArray//X provides unified block and file storage with enterprise performance, reliability, and availability to power your critical business services.
Data Sheet
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