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38:51 Webinar

Accelerating SAP Data with Modern Sustainable Infrastructure

Come learn best practices that will help modernize your SAP operations, accelerate digital transformation initiatives and deliver business breakthroughs.
This webinar first aired on April 29, 2022
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Mm hmm. Yeah. Hello and welcome to Accelerating ASAP data with modern sustainable infrastructure. Today's webinar is sponsored by pure storage and produced by actual tech media. My name is scott Becker. I'm from actual tech media and I'm excited to be your moderator for this special friday event.
Now before we get to today's great content, we do have a few housekeeping items that will help you get the most out of this session. First off, we want this to be an informative event for you. So we encourage any questions in the questions box in our webinar control panel. Not only will we have team members responding to the questions there during the live event,
we'll also have a dedicated Q and a session at the end of the presentation where we'll discuss in greater detail some of the top questions that you asked today a Q and a panel is also the place to let us know about any technical issues you might be experiencing. Browser refresh is gonna fix most audio or video issues that you might have. But if that doesn't work, just let us know in the Q and A.
And we'll work with you to to get everything running second in the handout section of your webinar control panel, you'll find that we're offering several resources especially want to call your attention to the link to a great one page pdf from pure about the top 10 reasons you want pure storage solutions for your S A. P applications. Also in there are links to the gorilla guide book club where you can get access to actual
tech media's great printed resources on technology topics as well as a link to the A. T. M. Events Center which has our calendar of upcoming events. I encourage you to access all those resources now and share them with your friends and colleagues. Third at the end of this webinar event we will be awarding a $300 amazon gift card to one
lucky attendee on the live event. You must be in attendance during this live event to qualify for the prize, The official terms and conditions of today's prize drawing can be found in the handout section. Just scroll to the bottom and you'll find the prize terms and conditions link there. Finally one of the best benefits of this event is the opportunity to ask a question of our
expert presenters. So to help encourage your questions, we have a special additional prize for you. That's another Amazon gift card. This one for $50 for the best question at the end of the event will look at all the questions, pick out the very best one and contact the prizewinner and with that let's get to today's fantastic content. It's my pleasure to introduce you to our
presenters today from pure storage. We have no hall Marashi and Ryan arsenal Newhall is a Principal Product Marketing Manager while Ryan is a field solutions architect specializing in ASAP solutions for pure storage. So now I'm going to turn things over to Newhall. Thank you for the introductions. Hello and welcome everyone in the next few
minutes, Ryan and I are gonna share some best practices on how you can optimize your recipe data with modern sustainable infrastructure. So we've got a great agenda for you. We'll start off with just an overview of the landscape I'll share with the you uh some details about pure storage, especially for the folks who have not heard about pure storage.
Then we'll switch gears and we'll talk about some best practices when it comes to reducing TCO for S. A. P. Hannah, we'll talk about ransomware and the fact that it's been dominating headlines and what you can do about that. Then we'll talk about workload consolidation which is a hot topic, especially in the context of the data growth.
And lastly I want to share with you some details about what pure is doing at sapphire and some of the steps that you can you can take. Alright, so let's start off by talking about the ongoing trend in the industry. You know, we've seen the explosion of data and the massive data growth in the past few years.
And what that means is that our world has become more outcome based and it's driven by data and data. You hear about companies taking data driven decisions and we see that shift um also from products to outcomes right? It's no longer just about what kind of products and features you can provide to your customers. It's about, you know, how can you help them achieve their outcomes And these
outcomes are typically measured and they, you know, you, you get to see the actual impact and how do you, how do you help your customers accomplish those outcomes now, Infrastructure has a role to play in helping companies achieve those outcomes. But more often than not, infrastructure can be a bottle leg, especially if you've,
you've got aging infrastructure that's been there for a long time and it's not designed for modern needs. And this is true for storage systems just as much as other pieces of infrastructure. Uh, you know, the demands on storage have been increasing in recent years, especially with the move to modern applications and move away from the
monolithic application architectures. And what we find is slow storage performance can hamper application deployment. You know, for example, if you can cannot provide fresh production data to your dev and test teams to kind of kind of build on the application development, it certainly impacts the time to market.
We also know that data is expanding. There's an explosive data growth. What that really means is data volumes are are obviously growing, but at the same time there are, you know, data center footprint constraints, Right. And if you have certain power and space goals for your data center, you want to make sure that the storage systems that you have,
can can adhere to that and last but not the least. You know, ransomware has been dominating headlines. We know that this is uh, increasing threat for a lot of companies that want to protect their, their data. And so, um, what this really means from a storage perspective is that as companies are struggling to expand their capacity to be able
to meet the data group and update for new technologies. They need systems that can kind of meet these modern needs. And this is something that we at pure believe we can, we can help organizations with. And for folks who have not heard about pure, I wanted to share some details about our company.
We are $2 billion dollar company. We are in the business of modern providing modern storage and, and simple simple storage. We have more than 10,000 customers worldwide, which includes a number of Fortune 500 companies, uh, the Governor Magic on the Gartner Magic quadrant. We have been a leader for eight years for a flash, you know,
storage arrays. And one of the metrics that I'm really proud of is our net promoter score, which is 85.2 and it's in the top 1% of business to business companies. Um, so for those of you who are not familiar with net promoter score, it's essentially a survey that's conducted by an independent entity that as
customers, you know, would they be willing to recommend pure to their colleagues, to their partners, to their friends or whoever. And uh, we, you know, this is gives us a gauge of, you know, where pure stands voices are our peers. Um so as I mentioned, we we have solutions for modern sustainable infrastructure when it comes to um modernizing applications, you know, with court works,
we have um one of the best kubernetes data storage platform. We have cloud block storage which is for um public providers and we have flash played are unified, fast file and object storage and also from a modernizing operations, you know, we have the ability to do predictive storage capacity planning through Pure one with our ai and ml modeling,
we have flexible consumption based storage offerings, you know, your storage as a service um and and lastly from a infrastructure modernization, we have our flagship flattery um uh in a product line along with the along with flash blade. So certainly we we are in a position to provide these modern data infrastructure.
Now, the other aspect that is uh top of mind for, I'm sure everyone on this call is sustainability. You know, this is uh you know, your customers demand sustainable operations. And at pure we we've right from our founding, you know, we've built sustainable, low carbon footprint technology in and we address it in a number of ways. Right.
Um one is the the actual um storage density itself which we address by kind of reducing our physical and carbon footprint by the means of the data reduction technologies and other things that we do to kind of reduce the oral footprint for storage. We also have um energy efficient designs which kind of reduce the oral power
consumption. And then the last last but not least is are kind of non disruptive modular design which reduces e waste. And we we actually have recently come up with um environmental and sustainability gold report. It's actually our inaugural report and you can read more about BEOS approach to sustainability at the link that's provided in this in this
climb. Okay, so with in the last few slides we talked about the industry trends, we talked about how purist position to providing modern sustainable data infrastructure but what does that really mean for you as a S A. P customer. Um So I'm gonna turn over to Ryan Ryan. I know um Pure and S ap have been partners for
a long time. Why don't you walk us through, you know essentially what is pure value addition for a S. A. P. Environments? Yeah, sure. Thanks to you all appreciate it. Um So so Pure like as you said Pure and ASAP we've had a partnership for us I'd say probably
about six or seven years now. S pierce started becoming you know, a bigger storage company. We knew we wanted to move into more of the application space, the enterprise space and a S A. P. Being you know one of the biggest ones out there. We we we thought we would partner, you know closely with ASAP.
Um about three years ago we were invited to be an escapee platinum partners. So what that really means is it is an invite only partnership from S. A. P. Uh it is an elite partner status uh and ASAP internally and actually only buy from these elite partners so because it just shows that ASAP saw the value of our storage products and they want to take a closer look at that maybe
using us internally as well. With that we have a dedicated staff in Waldorf right in the competency center, directly on escapees campus. You know, working with ASAP constantly building that relationship even further and we're going to continue to build that relationship with with S. A. P. And right now we're we're up over 1200
customers that are trusting pure to to put their mission critical S ap systems on on top of that. We we continue to innovate right? We are innovating constantly around ASAP both with ourselves as well as with, you know, some of our partners. Um we've done a lot and we'll talk a little bit more about this and in a minute we've done a lot with warm data tearing using Hannah Nsc.
So native storage extension are snapshots are are second to none and and the ability to be able to automate things like copy clones, which is so hard for every S A. P customers to have to do and the data protection, right? You want to make sure your data is not only not only available but is protected in case something doesn't go wrong and and we'll get a little bit more about about how we do that.
And and you know, Tony Hall's earlier point, this just leads to better income outcomes, right? People are looking for outcomes, they're not looking for storage, they're looking for how can my infrastructure do better for me and make managing an S. A. P. Platform which is already complex as it is. How do how does that this infrastructure help me manage that better?
Right. And and we'll talk a little bit about really what that means by, you know, reducing holocaust, how does that great platform but it's expensive, it's expensive to run memories, expensive, licensing can be expensive. How do we how do we help reduce that cost, capacity planning? Right. You always the hardest part for storage,
administrators to know when someone needs storage, he's usually the last one to find out. How can we eliminate those challenges through things like pure as a service. Uh and then we know your er P system is probably the crown jewel of your I. T. Assets. It's simply cannot go down, It costs you money when it goes down. Uh So we make sure that we built in the into
this into this platform. No downtime whether planned or unplanned, we will be able to we were able to do things um non destructively while we're up and running at 100% performance. And that includes upgrades of the os upgrades of the of the actual infrastructure. We simply don't go down we're we're pretty proud of that. So let's jump into a few details.
So snapshots, first of all snapshots are what I love to talk about us ap application teams. Um they are essentially a instantaneous copy of your database. Let's just you know at a at a high level for S. A. P. That's that's what we're looking to do here. And this really allows you to do a number of things.
One these snapshots are mobile. Right? So you can take copies of your database. So you want to take a snapshot of your production database and use it to refresh your test environment. No needle mentioned how hard that can be. Um You need production data in your in your I. T. Environments to be able to understand how to
how to support that platform. Um being able to take snapshots and and moving that over to your test environment and using that as your as your basis of data for your test environment. Is is one of the things that we we can do here and because we do de duplication at a global level across the array you can take a snapshot of your production database and use it 500
times create 500 environments or more and they don't take up any other space on the array. Right? Because we de duplicate everything. It's only when you start using them that they're gonna start taking up some space. So that that's a huge, huge savings already. Right now, you're able to maybe create more environments but use up less space.
Which is a strange concept, but that's that's just what we do here at pure storage and and and I I can go through a number of different scenarios of why these snapshots are important and how you can use these snapshots in your in your day to day routines. I'm happy to talk about that further. If if anybody finds me at sapphire, um we can definitely get into it. But one thing I do want to hit on if you go to
the next slide in the hall is that that copy clone um refresh process. Right. It's very very hard to do. Uh It is a very manual process. Companies are struggling automating this uh and getting the data, getting access to that data in your production environment is usually one of the hardest parts.
Usually you go through a backup process right? Where you're streaming a backup and it takes 8, 10 12 hours to get that data actually just very usable with pure storage. Not only can you get that data snapped and moved immediately, but we have open a P. I. S. Around all these processes that now allow you to start to add some automation right? Let's maybe do some scripting around what your
process looks like. And this process looks differently for every single ASAP customer out there but but it's basically you know at a high level the same right? You have all these activities you need to do um and in the middle you need to get the data right. You can now automate that that that data grabbing through our ap eyes create new
environments, create new volumes on the R. A. Uh And then concentrate on trying to automate some of those harder tasks like those post copy activities. The B. D. Ls. The things that take your basis team the longest amount of time to be able to get this environment up and running for their for their users. And and let's be honest you probably don't do
this as often as the your business ask you to do because it's such a hard process. Such a manual error prone process. Um adding automation is gonna just free up activities. It's gonna let you do this more often and then it's gonna lead to a a less buggy and a more available platform because you're gonna have real business data in your test environment and even your dev environment to be able to
recreate things that your users are doing. One example of this on the next slide needle is is our our dear company customer. Agro super. Agro super is a chili chili chili and food company they do everything through E. C. C. Um giant 21 terabyte oracle database that they have running really everything. The shop floor,
the packaging of their meat all runs through through A. S. A. P. Uh They were you know this 21 terabyte database there refresh copy was taken them nine days. They it was a horrible process. It was so hard for them to be able to get through. We worked with them on automation and now they're down to about 20 minutes and that
includes running be DLS because BDS will run faster on our on our fast all flash storage as well. So now they do it weekly right weekly you can have an up to date copy of your test data and your test environment of your production data in your in your test environment. That's that's huge right? That I don't know when a popper or a business analyst in the world that what doesn't want
real time business data in their test environment. So um you know just things like this that we're bringing to our customers that pure. Now changing it up a little bit, we're gonna go a little bit more into reducing costs um like I mentioned before ASAP and it can be expensive to run right, it runs all in memory. Memory is still very very expensive PMM has has
made that a little bit easier. Right being being able to scale up your your compute memory boxes a little bit bigger and a little bit lower over cost but still um having all that data in memory constantly is, is a burden. Right? Especially if you're not accessing that data all the time. Right?
Why why am I storing all this data, these these six year old uh dock data for example, in my production environment in memory if it's not ever getting access, this is where native storage extension really comes in a S A P s latest and greatest um and and really simplest data tearing strategy for Hannah. So we've done a lot of testing on this um and the way it really works is you can at a
granular level at the table level at an attribute level um at a column level you can say I want this data to load into memory and I want this day to stay in storage and and Hannah's smart enough to know when, when a query comes in, where it has to go to access that data based off the buffer cache in the memory layer um as well as your, you know, your hot data that's that's directly in dirham and uh and what this
does is now allows you to say, you know what maybe I don't want to load that six year old IDOC data that I never access into memory, keep it out um and if I ever do need to access it, I'll have a little bit more latency than I would out of the rain. But who cares because I'm not accessing accessing it that often and customers are really starting to gravitate towards this as databases get bigger and as memory costs stay
the same or even get more expensive, people are looking at ways to reduce their growth on their on their S. A. P. Database at the same time. Maybe even reduce their licensing as well because a lot of customers will license their their hana based on how much memory they're taking up in production. So we we came in and we go to the next slide until we came in and we took it a step further.
Right? We have really good performance on top of uh out of our flash array uh but managing what's in memory what's not in memory becomes becomes hard, right? And that's where pure storage direct memory cache really comes in. Our friends at Intel uh supply us with these these obtained memory storage class memory um drives that go directly into our into the
storage layer and we've built in our software away to be able to cash your Honda database when you need it to be cached. Right? So maybe now you have uh an end of quarter run where you are going to be accessing some old data that that you've teared out of memory and into the storage layer where now you can cash it directly in the intel obtained and still get 90% of your performance without having to then
load it all into, into the RAM. Um Win win. Right. So now you're, you're still able to get that that near like deer and performance 90% is pretty fast at a fraction of the cost because no longer you're gonna have to build out a giant memory box to be able to store all this data and and maybe you're saving on licenses as well.
So, um, you know, customers are really starting to gravitate towards this uh, and we'll continue to innovate in this area as well. So going next, let's talk a little bit about backup and ransomware. Um, and next slide you There's a time where you, you couldn't, I don't know if we're getting numb to it now, but there was a time last summer where you
couldn't, I think I woke up every morning to another ransomware story. Right? Large companies, small companies. Um, you know, 69% of companies here in the states have have reported being affected by ransomware. That's that's huge. Right? It's happening an attack happens every 11
seconds throughout the world. And the average demand for how much money they're looking for is is well over $350,000 and companies are paying this right because they need access to their data. Um, you know, one attack that we that we learned about was an oil and gas company where they actually had to pay $30 million dollars to get their data back right?
And and the cost of this downtime where you're not getting new business in, it just continues to to add on and add on that on. So Pierre Pierre comes in on the, on the next slide to help here comes in and we really have a solution for this. We will protect your data right? I've talked about snapshots a little bit in the in the past.
Well our ransomware safe mode snapshots is helping protect protect your mission critical ASAP system, Right? And if you think about ransomware Attackers right, they would love to go after your S. A. P. System because as I mentioned before it's the crown jewel, you're probably gonna pay to be able to get your data back. Um with our safe mode snapshots no longer do you have to worry about that?
Right. These snapshots are completely protected from deletion by you, by us, by someone an attacker into your system or even by a bad actor within your corporation who maybe had a bad day and wants to go delete some stuff it takes both of us together to be able to delete these. And now when when you have an attack before you, it's very simple to set these up and now they're very easy to recover and you can
recover very, very fast right within within seconds to be able to get your data back up and running um and get your system back up and running without having to worry about negotiating and paying with with with the threat who's come into your system and stolen your data the next one. And and and I talked about rapid restore. Right?
Obviously the snapshots are are very fast to restore right seconds to be able to get a snapshot back and up and running and connected over to a host. Um but we also worry about your backup and protection that you that you do, let's say on a nightly basis, right? Um anybody can really back up backing up is usually not the problem. It's when you try to go use that back up and
and your infrastructure team tells you at this rate, it's gonna take 19 days to get your back up full and running before again, 19 days is a long time, especially if you're answering the phone from the C. I. O about when you're gonna be up and back up and running if if you've had that call before. I'm sorry.
Um we we focus on that restore, right? Because we know that that's the critical point of your backup. It's getting back up and running when you need to and that's where things like snapshot offloads, especially to our flash blade. Uh system are fast file and object system becomes critical to be able to get back up and running as quickly as possible and we'll continue to continue to build that up next
slide. And we partner with, you know, all the major backup providers out there, whether it be, you know, cohesively combine rubric, vino veritas as well as others. Right. We have a great relationship with these third party suppliers whose for their their focus is to be able to do this, uh these backup and restore processes and they partner with us on our infrastructure to make
sure that it is, it is fully integrated, easy to set up as well as easy to restore when you when you need to do that. So now we're gonna I want to jump ship a little bit and talk about consolidation, right? Everyone's looking at jumping over to S4 Hana right. A number of customers have have not gotten there yet. And you're trying to, you know that 20,
deadline is coming and you're probably in the planning phases, if not think about getting into that planning phase and and and asAP has done a pretty good job of consolidating their modules and their databases, but you're U. S. A. P Landscape is still going to be a multitude of of databases. Right?
You're still probably gonna have your b W and you're still probably maybe having a crm as well as your S four environment as well as probably other databases around that. Right. All these databases need to run on fast performance hardware. Right? So we we have we have seen our customers looking to consolidate not just at the
application level but at the infrastructure level as well. Right. Give me infrastructure that takes up the same amount of space and has the same power requirements but is bigger and better and I can fit more on and that's where you know, that's where we have really thought about how can we give more power to customers less complexity um at the same at the same size and the
same power consumption of of the of our products today. Right. And and and that's where, you know, we were happy to release, I'd say about two months ago. Right now, y'all on the next slide our our flash array Excel product um it is bigger and better and fast. That's all, that's all I can say about it.
It is higher performance to the tune of 70% higher capacity within this five rack unit system. Right? That's pretty small. And when you compared to our competitors and then just higher scale and better resiliency. Right? You can put more workloads on this um saving yourself data center space,
saving yourself powers costs to Nicole's early sustainability um comments right? You can now put more or less and and it makes it a lot easier to to get your data center green using using the pure products and on top of that, if we go to the next slide the whole we've done a lot of work with S A p on on certifying Flash ray Excel through the T. D. I. Program, right?
T. D. I. Is a very very important program when it comes to your S. A. P. Hana workloads. I remember when you know I ran Hanna on on on an appliance back when Hannah first went ta and it was it's painful right? Because you have this one appliance system that is dedicated to that one hana database and it's like all right,
what if I have 20 hana databases? How am I going to scale that out? T. D. I was really the first thing that allowed customers to now pick and choose their infrastructure. You know their their providers that they like to work with. So we respect this program a ton. We will constantly make sure that we are T.
D. I. Certified on all of our storage products that that customers run Hannah on because we realized right, these are your most demanding critical workloads. E. C C S four B. W. These are the things that that run your business. Um and and being able to run that on a high
performance system. You demand the performance, your business demands of the performance especially as you get to some of those seasonal events. Right? A a retail black friday or um you know I used to work where in a company where 80% of our of our volume came through in the last two weeks of the quarter.
Now that's you need to be able to scale up performance when things like that happen. And flash array Excel is completely completely built for that. And if you want to get more details, there's a there's a link here to a blog that just really goes into a little bit more detail about um you know what the flash array excel is giving us and how how we T. D. I. Certified it and and what it could possibly
give you to your to your S. A. P. Environment. So Neil I you know, I talked about a lot of business outcomes right that are that that customers can can can experience when they when they use pure storage for their S. A. P. Can you just talk a little bit more about, you know, what are we doing with sapphire? And how can customers learn more and how can
they come talk to you and me who are gonna be at sapphire in person? I might add an in person event. I'm so excited to see three D. People again and not just these two dimensional two dimensional webinar zooms. Yeah, I got a great great stuff Ryan, thank you for covering that. And likewise, I'm I'm also very excited to to be at this in person event.
I hope everyone has registered for sapphire. We're looking forward to seeing you Just a quick recap, sapphire runs from May 10 to the 12th. It's in Orlando Florida. And we're looking forward to seeing you all at we've we're actually a platinum sponsor at sapphire. We have physical booth where you can come and
uh meet our escapee experts. You can also schedule meetings. Um There's a link that I've brought it in this slide with where you can actually um you know schedule schedule the meetings. And most importantly we also have uh customer obsession. Ryan and one of our customers are gonna share insights on how you can kind of master your ASAP data growth.
We've you know during this presentation we talked about the explosive data growth and we talked about the focus on outcomes. Right? So we're gonna share some some best practices. So it's a session you you you know you cannot miss so again I look forward to seeing you all at sapphire and we look forward to engaging with you at sapphire.
Okay so um we've shared some insights with you. Hope you've you've found them very helpful. I'm gonna leave you with three action items. I would love for you to schedule some meetings with Pure so we can continue the conversation with you in in person at sapphire. Um We also have I. D. C. White paper on how to lower costs for your s. A. P. Hana environments.
It gets into the details of what we discussed with with the interlocked in based direct memory cache. So I encourage all of you to download that white paper and last but not the least. We have a one stop portal for all pure solutions for S A P. It's pure storage dot com slash ASAP encourage you to check it out.
We've got a great solution briefs, we've got design guides, we've got blogs and a lot of great content. So I encourage you all to take a look and um once again we wanna thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to uh you know, watch this webinar. We hope the tips that we provided were very helpful and we look forward to seeing you at sapphire Ryan.
It looks like we've got some really great questions come in so we'll we'll just uh address them as as they come in. Right? So again for folks to have any questions, please submit your questions and we hope to also continue the conversation with you post the webinar. So you can also send in your questions after this, after this webinar.
Okay, so let me go to the first question that's coming and it's it's for you Ryan, my company uses hana replication for high availability and disaster recovery. How does pure snapshots compare with h s R and do you have storage based replication as well? Got it, wow, good question. So, um so yeah, that this is comin right. H S R hana system replication is is used in a
in a in a lot of different ASAP environments. Um it replicates at the memory layer, Right? So it's a little bit easier, especially for h a it's a little bit easier to fail over because you're not waiting uh for the storage to load up into into memory. Um snapshots I think are great for things like like D R. Right?
Because you're because of our the way that our snapshots are mobile, right? You're you're able to take a snapshot, you're able to schedule a snapshot and have that run every five minutes and and replicate over to your to your D. R site. Um but we also do have a couple other replication technologies as well.
We call that. So the snapshot replication, we call that a sync replication, we also have synchronous replication, right? So similar to your synchronous memory writes, um we have synchronous storage replication called active cluster. Right? So that's really taking all the rights that come into your to your hana database uh and
synchronously writing them to uh to another volume on another flash array. Um obviously there's some some performance concerns there, right? You want to make sure that you're not hampering your your your honda right times. Um So we don't see that used as as common um when it comes to hana. Um but we but we also have what's called a near
synchronous replication as well. Active D R. I've seen this one start to start to gain a lot of traction because it essentially is shipping rights over to a secondary storage system, but not waiting for that response back. Right. Not waiting to see if if the storage system acknowledged that they got it. So you usually within a you know about a 1 to 2
second lag on on data getting over that. So, um I've worked with a few customers now that I've used H S R for H A right to be able to do quick fail overs on the, on the production side. But things like active D. R at the storage layer to move to a to a D. R site because our Active VR technology also makes it really,
really easy to run D. R. Tests, right? It's so hard to run a D. R test uh when I was in I T. We did it once a year maybe and it got canceled more often than we did it because it's just a pain to run. Right, you need downtime with active D are you don't need any of that downtime whatsoever. Um because our replication continues running
and you know, behind the scenes as you're testing, I'd love to get in in more details but yeah, we have we have definitely have storage replication technologies and they do complement H S R as well. Great stuff Ryan, another question is coming for you. Um this one is more around advice and and strategies and best practices. Um this question is about a company that
started recently, started there? S for transformation project and the question is what advice would you give them? Uh and especially the ASAP Hannah and basis administrators got it. Yeah, that's uh that's a good one too. So a lot of companies are in this point right now. Right. Um mhm.
Not waiting until the last minute to get to get to S4 right is a smart is a smart choice. Um you know, I said he's moved this date a couple of times already but I just feel like this is gonna be a hard date for them. Right? You need to get to ask for by 2027. So a lot of companies are thinking about this right now. I'm looking for advice.
Right? I ran giant asap projects in the past and they're they're not easy. Um What I like to tell customers is is obviously I come from an infrastructure background. Right? So um make sure you are investing in infrastructure that not only is going to help you get your project live but continue you to
support your project once you go live and and isn't just a commodity, right, storage, storage. Sometimes people think it's just uh it's just commoditized, right? I as long as the lights are blinking green and I've got storage, that's all that's all I care about but um you know, I think we've shown through some of the capabilities, we talked about today snapshots,
uh fast performance. The intel obtained your storage should work for you right and it should make your life easier when you when you're doing an S. Four project and supporting an S. Four project as well as when you're live on S four. Um so really think about that decision. It's not A S. S. Four project is usually a um usually the time
that customers are thinking about their infrastructure really think about your infrastructure and find something that's gonna work for you now and and in the future excellent advice. Uh and uh I see the next question that has come in that I can I can take it basically asking does pure offer any tco tools to kind of help validate some of the storage for
SCP Hannah infrastructure and certainly we we do offer tco tools that can show savings you know for for services such as pure as a service. Um and we it shows very detailed analysis on savings that a customer can can achieve but really I think the proof point or the best proof point that we've found as directly from from customers. You know, we recently commissioned a study by I. D. C.
That went out and and surveyed our essay Bahana customers and the results were pretty astounding, you know in terms of the different savings and um we have a white paper documenting these savings and what the strategies were employed. So highly encourage folks to check out pure storage dot com slash ASap for details around this. Uh this white paper And again I want to thank
everyone for joining the webinar. If you do have any questions post webinar would love to continue the conversation with you. And we hope to see all of you at Sapphire. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Okay. Unfortunately, Nihal and Ryan have to run but thank you guys for a really informative presentation and uh,
for all of your great answers in the Q. And a session there uh, we know that we have a lot more questions than we could get to in the Q and a session. But we will be passing those on to Holland. Ryan to follow up with you. Finally, it's time for the $300 amazon gift card prize drawing and the winner of that $300 amazon gift card is Harold Welch from Utah, congratulations Harold.
We'll be in touch to get you your card and with that on behalf of the actual tech media team. I want to thank pure storage for making this event possible and thanks as always for attending and for your great questions that concludes today's event and have a great rest of your day. Great weekend. And we will see you next time.
Mm hmm. Yeah
  • SAP Solutions
  • Enterprise Applications
  • FlashArray//C
  • FlashArray//X

Ryan Arsenault

Field Solutions Architect, SAP at Pure Storage

Nihal Mirashi

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Pure Storage

Do you have the right strategies to provide maximum impact for your SAP HANA landscape to deal with explosive data growth, the risk of ransomware attacks and environmental responsibility? A modern, performant and scalable infrastructure has a big role to play.

Come learn best practices that will help modernize your SAP operations, accelerate digital transformation initiatives and deliver business breakthroughs.

Maximizing SAP HANA Performance and Reliability with Pure Storage
A reference architecture for SAP bundled application suites on SAP HANA with Pure Storage.
Reference Architecture
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