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SRM and Asynchronous Snapshot Replication

Looking to take your Disaster Recovery plan to next level? In this video, watch Cody talk about Asynchronous Snapshot Replication.
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Hi, my name is Cody Osterman and I'm a product manager here at pure storage focusing on our VM ware and cloud offerings in this series. I'm going to be talking about a product that is near and dear to many customers disaster recovery programs. That is VM ware's site recovery manager. How does pure work with Myanmar's site recovery manager, ak srm offering with a variety of
replication technologies and that's what we're discussing in this three part series. So the first one I want to talk about is our asynchronous replication. When you have a flash array or multiple flash arrays to the case in this data center, you can take your volumes and put them in what we call a protection group. A protection group is a right consistent group that creates snapshots on an interval locally
and also remotely. These snapshots can be replicated to another F A and they'll be received in another protection group on a flash array in your secondary data center or multiple flash raise as the case may be. This protection group not only has intervals and retention policies on the source side, but also different or the same retention and
replication intervals on that target side. And so your VM ware data stores the virtual machines on top of them will be replicated to this far side and then you can have site recovery manager choose which of these control paths you would like it to manage between f a one and F A to F a one to F a three or multiple different pairs and then srm coordinates the fail over and test fail over of this
fail over process. During the test fail over, it will create a temporary copy, bring it up to your VM ware environment and present it on an actual fail over. It will take this volume offline, won't delete it, but will protect it on the right and remove it from the hosts and then bring up that last point in time.
Or it will synchronize it if these sites are online and bring this up in a similar fashion as the test. But instead of this site still running, this site will be brought down and this will be brought up according to your recovery plan. Thanks for watching.
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Using ActiveDR with Microsoft SQL Server
Extend disaster recovery capabilities across data centers with FlashArray ActiveDR™.
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