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15:57 Video

John 'Coz' Colgrove and Jason Rose, CMO Talk Data Storage Infrastructure That Evolves and Adapts With Your Business

Pure Co-Founder John "Coz" Colgrove and CMO Jason Rose break down the real life applications.
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Unknown: We're here to discuss the modern data experience and how it's so different than just architecture. And we heard some of that from our customers throughout the conference. So far, technology is great. But at the end of the day, we're all trying to live our lives and get home in time for dinner.
innovative technology can help improve the way we experience our work, and help colleagues get more value from the data we're collecting. That is really at the heart of the modern data experience. That modern data experience is a journey Pure has been on for a long time. It's built on innovation, cloud
readiness, and providing customers with and partners with the best experience. So cause, when you think about a modern data experience, what does that mean to you? And why is it necessary? So what does it mean to me? You know, I think there's a few key
tenants, and it's something we've been doing from the very beginning, at Pure, one of the things is, it's technology that's incredibly simple and functional. You know, when technology is hard to use, when it's complex, you don't get the benefits of it, it just doesn't work for you. You know, you
think of simple examples, you know, this 10 card for, you know, is an instance of something, it's a cheat sheet, right? It's not a complete manual, it doesn't tell you everything you need to know. But the idea is, you look at it, and you get enough of an idea of how to run the Pure products that
you can do that. You know, it's no different than a phone, right? You buy a phone these days, it's like, okay, I learn, I swipe this way, or I pinch my fingers like that, and I do things to it. everybody learns it without a manual, my kids learn it without a manual, my mother learns that without a
manual. Right? And that is one big key part of the modern data experience. You know, another example evergreen, right? It's a key component. Imagine if whenever you wanted to buy a new phone, you had to change your phone number, would you ever upgrade to a new phone? So why would you want to buy a new
storage product, so you have to change out where you store your data, it makes no sense. And the essence of evergreen, this is the journey we've been on from the beginning. If we sell you a product today, we want you running that same product in 20 years. And it just gets better and better over time. New
generations of hardware, newer, better software, that's modern, I just like, I haven't changed the contact list on my phone when I bought a new phone, or change my phone number for 20 years. Right? That's the essence of modern, functional, simple, it evolves, it adapts.
I love that and absolutely consistent with what we've heard from all of our customers, you often hear us talk about customer satisfaction. And the representation of that is our net promoter score. And I've got to tell you, the reality is the stories that you've heard throughout the conference, you
will continue to hear throughout the conference about how Pure is there to scale and unlock value from the technology in the most simple and easy way possible. So this is our first accelerate with Portworx as part of the Pure family. I want to give a big shout out to the Portworx team and all the Portworx
customers who are joining us really excited to have you with us. We've all seen adoption of containers and Kubernetes skyrocket this past year. Cause tell us why this technology is important to our customers and innovation. So, you know, I think it boils down to a couple of things. One
is customers, you know, not everything they have fits into one mode of usage, one set of needs. So sometimes they have to run things on bare metal. But sometimes they want to virtualize things. And containers are, in essence the newest simplest lightest weight virtualization to in technology
is full of trade offs. Right? If you're going to use containers, you gain a certain amount of simplicity, you sacrifice a little bit of performance over using the bare metal. But again, that flexibility, that adaptability the ability to say I want to deploy 1000 new containers 10,000 new
containers, you can't do that with real physical hardware. And so containers and virtualization as an evolution of the hardware now need to be managed. And again, they need to be managed at a scale that we haven't seen before. Portworks is the simplest way to manage that. And that's really what Portworx is
allowing you to do to scale to say tomorrow, I need 1000 new containers and to know that all your storage needs your services for interacting with that are taken care of without you having to worry about whether you can do that or not. Now really Really impressive. And for the customers and
partners out there, if you haven't had a chance to go try out Portworx, we have a number of test drives out there for you to go give it a shot, give it a try. There's even free models out there. So I highly encourage you to go out, try the product. But also we've got a ton of Portworx content included and
accelerate. So please take the time, how it can apply in your environment, and how you can use our simplicity to just simply make that new functionality work for you. And that brings me back to one of the key principles of the modern data experience, and possibly the most important one, that's simplicity. in everything
we do, from our technology to our business model, we strive for simplicity. Moving forward, since cloud and modern applications go hand in hand, what is Pure done to improve our customers experience and specifically for those new modern applications, cars.
So I think one of the key things we've done is we've made it safe. And you know that safety again, it's something that we built in at the beginning, but it's evolved. So for example, you know, my mother grew up before, most of this modern technology, in fact, before all of it, since she grew up before
World War Two. And I have always felt that when she goes to the ATM, you know, from probably from seeing too many bad science fiction movies in the 60s. She always felt that if she pushed the wrong button, all her money could disappear. Right now, we all know that. No that that that that can't happen, that they
have to put all sorts of safeguards in, you know, with Pure from the very beginning, when you do something like try to destroy data, or, you know, shrink a volume or things like that, our box will automatically take what we call a safety snapshot, right? It preserves the data in case you made a
mistake, right, and it keeps it for a little bit and then it throws it away. Well, guess what, we've now evolved that into our Safe Mode ransomware protection. And so you see that, where ransomware is a huge problem. People need it to be handled simply and easily. And we have the Safe Mode snapshots
that allow you to preserve your data in case of a ransomware attack. You know, another thing that you look at about how we're evolving is the cloud deployment models, right. So some things are better to run on prem, some things are better to run in the cloud. What a customer wants is the flexibility and the freedom
to run on prem when they should to run in the cloud when they should and to move back and forth between them. And it's that ability to choose what you want to do. And when you want to do it to choose the best thing that makes a huge difference. You know, you heard it from some of the customer stories, I you
know, as I listened to them, I do have to say that we have a lot of engineers at Pure that just love to hear the customer stories. Because you know, when you're an engineer, you like to build something, but you like it even better when customers really use it, and really appreciate things. And so when I
listened to customers, who scaled seamlessly, who've changed what they've done, who've adapted to their new needs, and have been able to do it in a timely fashion. That's the very essence of the modern data experience. It's pretty phenomenal, and, you know, really excited about the
fact that we are enabling our customers to adapt to all of the different workloads. Maybe you could talk a little bit about, you know, we have a great solution in our FlashBlade technology, right, which serves a very different set of workloads, compared to you know, some of those more traditional
ones that we've dealt with in the past. I was wondering, could you talk a little bit about, you know, what we're seeing in terms of object storage, and some of the new things that are coming down in that vein? Well, so, again, object storage, it's actually been around for a
while, but it's really been expanding of late. And object storage is a great interface for doing far more scalable data stores than you could with file or block. You know, and it really, it's the very essence of modern applications. So FlashBlade was created to be an extremely scalable, extremely
high throughput solution. For these, again, all the simplicity, all the adaptability, all the flexibility that you get, and you know, flash storage really helps again, it avoids after the fact right, it's easy to provision storage. But then after the fact, you often Okay,
I didn't think about this when I was provisioning. I didn't think about that. Well, by using Flash technology rather than disk. You know, we've been able from the beginning to avoid that sort of thing where after the fact you realize I set it up wrong. You don't have to make these complicated choices. FlashBlade,
you just put it in, throw your data against it. You know object data, file data, whatever mix, it performs great. And you don't have to sit there and tweak and tune it and play with it. And that's the hallmark of simplicity, to be able to use it and have it be functional.
I love that. And I, when I hear about some of the artificial intelligence workloads, autonomous vehicle, some of these new and exciting innovations coming down are really powered by the fact that you can process a lot of that data in real time. It's no longer a big batch process. It's
actually something you need to process as process as it comes in. And I think these technologies are really helping our customers enable that. Yeah, I mean, you need, you know, in essence, the more data you can analyze, the better your inferences. And so with machine
learning, and things being able to process 10 petabytes of data, you might gain a 1% performance advantage over processing five petabytes. But if you think about the difference between 95% accuracy and 96% accuracy, you really, that 1% gain, you've eliminated 20% of the inaccuracy. And so these gains
as people get more and more data, it's just, you know, amazing how accurate, you can be about things and think about how it just transforms everyday tasks. Like, gee, I get in my car, and I want to go somewhere, or I want to shop online, or I want to shop for anything even offline, right? It's just the
way in which these thing this data has been used, it transforms the experience. And it makes it a lot better for everybody, for all the consumers, as well as for the businesses. Amazing. Oh, now, as promised, we are going into the chat and
we're ready for some questions. So I've got a question from Dave. So I heard you call cause your Oh, gee CTO, that's hilarious. Okay, thank you. Yep. Okay, so what are some emerging technologies you are most excited about in 2021? Well, so I kind of break those down, maybe into two divide. So
on the kind of hardware side, in the storage industry, a lot of people are talking about things like storage, class memory, persistent memories, greatly expanding the size of memory, you know, again, to, to enable more data to be processed, with GPUs and other hardware accelerators becoming more and
more powerful, just the rate at which you have to process that data has grown tremendously. That all sort of addresses the memory side on the actual persistent storage of the data. You know, really, it's still about the flash, and what and the change is QLC flash and beyond, you look for the last
decade, flash has been improving its efficiency, its density, its cost at three times the rate of disk. So what we're now seeing is all flash workloads driven by QLC and in the future PLC flash, and greater densities will be able to compete for disk and eventually take all workloads. And it's something we started
the company with. So we've been on this journey for more than the last decade. But by the end of this decade, disk will be gone. And it will be flash and tape. Right tape storage can't be beat for the bulk capacity. But flash will be the right use case for everything. And, you know, just changing out and
think about these hundreds and hundreds of petabytes of, you know, ai data farms, and video repositories and things, flash will be the ideal solution for all that. And with you know, evergreen capabilities that will completely change the landscape. You know, on the software side, the continued rise of things
like containers, and object storage to really enable, you know, just the next generation of AI and ml. You want to get to self driving cars, it's going to be done through tremendous amounts of data. You want to get to, you know, any of these new technology, innovation, it's tremendous amounts of data, and
the ability to analyze and process those and the more real time that you can do it, the better your inferences. Love it. It's so, so exciting. such an exciting time to be in this industry. And I like Charlie's comment yesterday in his keynote was that there's no such thing as a modern spinning
disk. They're obsolete. If you're thinking about an investment. They're seriously rethink what you're doing. So I've got another question from Adam. How are cloud native tech and apps changing storage? How do you see it changing the storage landscape over the next 10 years?
Yeah, I think it requires a tremendous amount more flexibility. You know, what the cloud does is it it simplifies further which is really great, but it intensifies the need for moving the data from one place to another for changing the way you're using Again, I'm going to gather all my data thinking I'm
running it towards, you know, one app. And then because of the speed in which the cloud evolves, I'm going to all you want to use that data for another app. So I needed to be able to be transformed, reshaped, analyzed, and condensed, you know, stored and stored again and stored here and
stored there. Because sometimes we're going to run on prem, sometimes we're going to run in the cloud, sometimes I'm going to run at the edge. Sometimes I'm going to have the same data correlated running in all three. And so just an extreme need for flexibility and extreme need for adaptability.
Awesome. Well, cause thank you for the insights. Thank you for looking ahead and making sure that Pure is on the right path to support all of the new workloads for our customers very much appreciated. And thank you to our audience for the great questions as well.
  • Ransomware
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Portworx
  • Containers
  • Evergreen//Forever
  • FlashBlade

When technology is hard to use, and too complex, you don't get the benefits from it. Just as you wouldn't change your phone number or your email after 20 years, so too should you be able to buy a data storage hardware and keep the same essential product for life. Pure Storage founder and CTO John 'Coz' Colgrove explains that the key to effective data infrastructure is functionality, simplicity, and adaptability--storage solutions that evolve and grow with your business over time.

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