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5:48 Video

Pure Fusion: Consumers & Providers

Self-serviced, autonomous, and built for limitless scale, in this demo we walk you through a day in the life of both a consumer and a provider using Pure Fusion™.
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Hi. My name is Anthony Live Ferrario, product manager of Pure Storage for Pure Fusion. Today I'd like to take you through a day in the life of a provider and a consumer of pure fusion. Let's get started as a provider. We're gonna go in and we're going to add some new capability to the pure fusion deployment that's already in place.
What we're looking at here is actually a ticketing system showing what this might be like for the for the provider user. As you can see, there's an overall effort going on to add a new capacity oriented storage service. And our responsibility here is to actually update fusion to support that service in the pier One gooey,
we can see the fusion interface, and we can see that we have an availability zone already created. What we're gonna do is we're going to jump in, and we're gonna assign our new flash array C systems into this existing availability zone. Once we've done that, those arrays are then going to be connected to fusion and are going to be able to be targeted with provisioning workloads once we take them out of maintenance
mode, that is So let's pull them out of maintenance mode so that we can start to work against these systems. Now that we've got both of our new arrays out of maintenance mode, we need to go in and create the storage policy objects that we're going to use to support this new storage behind the scenes.
Let's go back to our ticket and check what we wanted to call that. Okay, looks like we're going to need a storage service called flash Capacity and a storage class called General Use. So we'll go back to the gooey will create that storage service first, and we can easily align it with the flash array. Sees that we have available having done that, and users are going to need the
storage class before they're going to actually be able to consume anything from this storage service. So we'll create are generally use storage class, and we'll set the appropriate limits. This is super useful for the provider because once they've created this policy, then they don't have to worry about interacting directly with the end user in order to do any
provisioning workflows because they've already decided what their products are, what their services are and how they are going to be exposed. With that done, that's really all we had to do in order to bring online a new capability inside of our fusion deployment, you can see we've got the flash capacity service and the generally used class already ready. And really what?
That that's all the provider had to do from a fusion perspective to bring that new capability online. Switching over to the consumer perspective, let's look at the consumers environment, where they've got a provisioning template here using terra form for one of their applications. As you can see, that's currently using the flash performance storage service and the high
I up storage class for our example today, What we're gonna do is we're going to change this over to the flash capacity and general use storage class. This is going to represent really changing, for instance, a CI system that's currently using the high performance storage over to using a lower performance but lower cost option where it doesn't matter because all of this is just for test purposes.
So we'll grab that flash capacity name from our ticket on the consumer side, will update that and bring the general use storage class in as well. The thing to notice here is that the entire deployment template for this for this application only required two lines of code change entirely switch storage platforms and back ends. Now, the consumer doesn't necessarily know that
under the hood they fully switched array platforms. But we do. Since we're sitting here watching this whole thing. The consumer just knows that they are able to get something that aligned better with their business and cost objectives by switching over to a new capability that was made by their cloud.
So as we can see from testing this, we're going to create new volumes that are aligned with the correct storage service and storage class. Um, and having done that, we can verify quickly to make sure everything is working by using one of our HMC TL commands to check. There are volumes. Yep, There they are. So as you can see, it was only a two line
change in a very simple test to easily bring on new capabilities and improve the cost profile of this application for the end user. One other benefit of a storage as code model is that you can easily deploy, but also easily tear back down as you test. Right? So what we're doing now is we're tearing down these objects from the terra form perspective.
Um, and instantly we're back to where we started, and we'll just verify that those actually did get deleted, you know, and we'll check to make sure there are no volumes there as well. Yeah, we got rid of everything. So it really only took us a two line code change and a couple of commands to fully validate that A, a new storage service and set of capabilities is consumable by end users.
And for the consumer perspective, this is really, really convenient way to operate and consume in a cloud operating model. With that, what we're gonna do is we're going to push our simple change here out into the repository so that as our application and as our CI system continue to operate, this new change is going to be taken into effect.
And with that, that's the end of the day for the consumer as well. Hopefully this was able to show you that really working on the provider side and the consumer side of pure fusion aligns with the goals that they have and is incredibly easy and automated. Thanks. Have a great day.
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