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24:22 Webinar

Sustainability: Not All All-flash Is Created Equal

Learn how Pure Storage with its direct-to-flash management can save you up to 85% more on your storage energy bills, even compared to other all-flash.
This webinar first aired on 06 September 2023
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  • ESG
  • Energy
  • Cost Optimization
  • Achieve Sustainability

Tony Huynh

Sr. Portfolio Marketing Manager , Pure Storage

All-flash storage is more sustainable than hard disk-based storage – it uses less energy and consumes less space in your data centre. However, some all-flash solutions push this efficiency far higher. Come hear how Pure Storage with its direct-to-flash management can save you up to 85% more on your storage energy bills, even compared to other all-flash.

You'll learn:

  • Storage accounts for 20-25% of energy use in your data centre, and this could double in the next decade
  • Pure Storage solutions are far more efficient even than competing all-flash, using up to 85% less energy
  • Picking the right all-flash storage will not only save you more money in the long run, but also help toward your organisation’s sustainability goals

Pure Storage Efficiency Helps Your IT Team and the Planet

Our smart product design lowers greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to 85% compared to other all-flash storage vendors.

Read the ESG Report
Pure Storage FlashArray//X | Data Sheet
FlashArray//X provides unified block and file storage with enterprise performance, reliability, and availability to power your critical business services.
Data Sheet
5 pages
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