Mm Hello and thank you for joining me today. My name is Carrie Doll. I'm a chief technology officer and you're here at the S. H. I. I have 25 plus years in the industry and I focused heavily on cloud security. We speak a little bit about S. H. I. And the value that we provide to our customers
as well as pure storage and the ports works acquisition. So S. H. I. S. Over 30 years of experience supporting organizations like yours through all sorts of business and technology challenges very uniquely positioned to help you create infrastructure, digital workplace security and cost optimization strategies that will work for your company.
A few kind of highlights have been founded in 1989. Over 5000 employees worldwide, 12 billion in revenue in 2021. And over 1000 technical resources and boasts an annual customer retention rate of 99% have footprints in 30 plus countries in North America EMEA and Asia pack. We're number 25 on the 28. I apologize on the Forbes largest private
companies list and are the largest minority and women owned business in the United States. Were dedicated to tenured account teams and fostering long term partnerships to help solve business outcomes for our customers. So we focus on our cloud practice today. It's a $1.5 billion dollar portfolio for us which allows us to have certified cloud resources which focus on helping organizations
to select deploy and manage their cloud environments. So what do I mean by select deploy manage well in the select category. We help from a strategic consulting perspective to help identify the appropriate cloud target for your business. That allows us to do assessments again this is a cloud agnostic.
We can facilitate assessments across the usual suspects being AWS, Azure and G C P as well as O. C. I and a few other clouds as well, migration planning and proof of concepts where we can help get some funding from those providers in order to help offset some of the costs of doing some of that proof of value proof of concepts on the deploy side we do on board enablement work.
We help with the workload migration based on the assessments that we have done previously. We can help with application re factoring if we want to modernize some of our applications as well. As once the move has been made to the public cloud we can help with cost optimization services. So we actually boast with our managed service offering Fully managed,
we can actually reduce your cloud spend by 30-plus%. And that would also include things like full service automation remediation of those cost savings. Whether it's things like over provisioned workloads, orphan snapshots and other resources on the man outside with a full msb As I mentioned we can do staff augmentation, help with D.
R. And business continuity planning as well as provide training for your teams some of the trends we're seeing which is why I have the pleasure of talking about court works today is things around container ization, ci cd devops. See cops. Finn ops We're starting to see more of this cloud first strategies around research
development, machine learning aI and onboarding new services within the organization to help facilitate again solving for business outcomes. So a bit about court works, pure storage and kind of how you provide that hybrid kubernetes data services on. Again, I'll highlight any storage infrastructure. So at the top we have PXE Central,
which is that global centralized single pane of glass management platform for all things data services. So we'll talk a bit about PXE backup P XDR migrate secure an autopilot and how those to help simplify the deployment and against centralization is key. If I were to take each one of these little pillars in the middle and try and break that out and back up by some third party vendor,
my disaster recoveries by another vendor. I'm using another piece to migrate it. I have to then overlay security on top of this and then what about over provisioning? So we'll dig into each of these sections. So PX back up as an example allows you to capture entire application data, application configurations, kubernetes objects and move them around and back them up to any location with a single click of a button.
You can also recover entire application just as easy. PX backup includes continuous backups across global data centers point and click recovery for any kubernetes application backup and recovery of cloud volumes Natively from amazon Microsoft and google and also allows you to fulfill your compliance and governance responsibilities with a single pane of glass for all your containerized applications.
P XDR extend the data protection includes PX store with zero RP oh, disaster recovery for data centers in the metropolitan area as well as continuous backups across the wind for an even greater level of protection, leveraging, asynchronous replication. Soapy XDR includes multi site synchronous replication again for zero RP oh disaster
recovery and business continuity programs across the metro area. Multi site asynchronous replication for D r across a wider area networks where latency and distance become a challenge and the ability to set all the our policies at the container granularity level PX migrate allows me to easily move entire application sets across clusters, racks and clouds. PX migrate includes multi cloud and multi
cluster application migrations, snapshot based backup to any cloud and application consistent backups. PX secure allows encryption and access controls. You can move securely at the speed of kubernetes. PX care includes cluster wide encryption, container granular or storage Class based encryption, role based access control for authorization authentication ownership and it
integrates natively with your active directory and l dap environments for against single single account management. We'll talk about PXE autopilot is capacity management. Again, we want to stop over provisioning cloud storage. PX. Autopilot allows capacity management to stop over provisioning storage capacity in the cloud
so you got your cloud storage bill in half. PX autopilot includes the ability to automatically resize individual container volumes or your entire storage pools. Rules based engine with customization capabilities. So you can optimize your apps based on performance requirements and will integrate with amazon ebs, google persistent disk and azure blob storage integrations.
So kind of the secret sauce here is the P x a P i is your control plan. So we can leverage PX store to natively consume storage across again, cloud block services mentioned ebs google pd as your disk. IBM block storage. We can use cloud kubernetes services like EKS from amazon G K from google as you're a Ks and IBM CKs we can provision storage on bare metal.
Again, just traditional S S D s and H D s. We can also use virtualization platforms like VM ware, hyper V and K b M. Ah really the differentiator here is going to be the pure service orchestrator or C S I. Um this allows us to natively leverage flash array flash blade as well as pure cloud block store with the native integrations and a more robust container storage integration.
You can also leverage standard C S I s I mean I got the same level of data services but you can get soup storage from that out. Hewlett Packard enterprise Dell and IBM. Really what we're trying to do here is again, provide a very flexible storage platform for all things kubernetes support, works appear deliver the most complete and
flexible kubernetes data service platform to run any application in any environment. We just shared a little bit about the poor works platform, the robust and unique implementation of C s I that we call P s O or pierce pure service orchestrator PS so is a software layer that virtualized as many pure flash array and or flash blades for intelligent provisioning based on storage classes inside kubernetes we support
works in PSR Independent today, we plan on bringing them together with deep integration in the future and again continue to promote that single pane of glass for management of kubernetes. So how do we build a resilient scalable, multi cloud ready persistent storage. So some of the requirements we found around storage is really from a multi cloud
perspective, being able to consume any cloud at any time, so I can have workloads and amazon Azure GcPd and on prem and really the persistent storage departments really for resiliency. So the whole concept of a container, his ability to fail fast. Um so that allows us to again, as our containers come throw errors or it becomes
unusable we can delete that particular container and spin it back up the challenges that these particular applications are leveraging a persistent storage in an ephemeral container if the container goes away, the storage goes with it. So that's where this persistent volume concept comes in where we can maintain the the persistency of the data storage but continue to spin up containers as as needed and then
consume that. That storage and the whole the key here is persistence Also. We had the idea, you know the concept of you know fail fast again. The ability to roll back your incremental versions in the event of container does fail or we have, you know, bugs issues the container we can very quickly rollback leveraging the Porter works
platform. The beauty of this also why did pure storage acquire Porter works mainly because they had some existing pure storage flash, very flashy blade deployment. So there were some native integrations from a taxi perspective they're taking that sigh and extending that adding additional features and functionality. Single pane of glass for management,
orchestration of multi cloud deployments that really comes down to again. I touched them briefly early but from an operations perspective being able to orchestrate and automate the disaster recovery, the migration, the auto scaling and capacity management pieces is really important. A lot of these could be manual processes or it could fall on different teams.
So having a single consistent pane of glass for management of the kubernetes environment is extremely important. I don't need to rely on third party tooling to then back up the data, migrate the data provision. Rollback all this can be done through a single api enabled platform. I can either use the gooey where I can write my own api integrations against the court works.
API platter um, facility near the back of the restoration of containers again and finally needed to back up and then restore in a separate cloud in separate regions. Different availability zone. These are all things that can be facilitated by porter works. Again, the RBC, it's a huge thing, right, audits. We all have, you know, different compliance and
regulatory frameworks we need to adhere against. So the ability to provide instant restores and then provide that data back to the audit audit board is something that we can provide. So that's pretty much all I had here for today. I'd love to chat after, you know, after Q and A. Feel free to email me or reach out to me after the session. Look forward to having additional discussions
around court works, S. H. I. And pure storage and how we can make your life that much easier on your journey towards kubernetes and microservices. Thank you