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FlashArrayXL - Performance and Scale Beyond Legacy Storage

The all-new FlashArray//XL is making legacy storage providers nervous. Consolidate more business services—bigger databases, more users, and more app workloads—on fewer arrays with FlashArray//XL.
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Unknown: Have you used power? Who doesn't use a lot of power in their storage France? Oh, let me guess Richard Pure Storage, they claim that this tiny little array can outperform voltage. Your we have actually got the words Max and voltage in the
name. The question that you have to ask yourself is who would win in a cage match? Maybe the system that's the size of a house voltage Max forever more capacity, smaller footprint, blazing performance, performance and scale reimagined, Introducing the all
new FlashArray XL from Pure Storage. Be the voltage Max
  • Video
  • FlashArray//XL

The all-new FlashArray//XL is making legacy storage providers nervous. Consolidate more business services—bigger databases, more users, and more app workloads—on fewer arrays with FlashArray//XL.

Test Drive FlashArray//XL

Work in a self-service environment to experience the management of a Pure FlashArray//XL. Explore advanced features, including snapshots, replication, ActiveCluster™, and even VMware integration.

Try Now
Maximizing SAP HANA Performance and Reliability with Pure Storage
A reference architecture for SAP bundled application suites on SAP HANA with Pure Storage.
Reference Architecture
27 pages
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