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Digital Bytes: What is a Ransomware SLA?

Ransomware is on the rise. In this episode of Digital Bytes, Matt Bradford reveals how a new ransomware SLA by Pure Storage can help you protect and recover your data.
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News, flash ransomware is on the rise and pure storage has a new solution to this problem. That's way better than a warranty. It's a freaking S L A good evening and thank you for joining us here on digital bits for this special report. Ransomware is clearly becoming a big problem. According to the NCC group's cyber threat
Intelligence report, March saw a record breaking 459 attacks. Thanks in part to the go anywhere mt vulnerability for a lot of organizations who are hit with ransomware, find themselves in a world of hurt beyond just losing their data. What many don't realize is you often lose more than just that in the aftermath of an attack. An organization will need to do several things beyond just recovering their data.
First, security teams will start an investigation to understand how the attack was launched in order to patch the holes. Second, the organization will likely file a claim with their insurance to try to recoup whatever lost revenue and other expenses they've incurred, which usually reaches into the millions of dollars.
This will likely require a police report which may involve another investigation all the while you're trying desperately to recover the data to get the business back on its feet. But you've been told your storage is effectively an active crime scene. So what do you do? Many vendors offer a warranty which can take months to resolve if at all? And what good does that do while you're
struggling to find a place to land your recovered data? Instead, you're either left scrambling to find unused scraps of capacity elsewhere or begging your var to rush you a new loader array. Good luck. Instead of struggling with all that pure has an even better idea. How about a ransomware for the uninitiated Evergreen?
One is pure storage as a service offering that can be used anywhere such as on premises or in the public cloud by subscribing to a pool of capacity, you avoid the upfront hardware purchase and instead get always modern storage that is backed by industry leading s for up time performance capacity and even energy efficiency. But that's not all Evergreen one now offers a special add on ransomware recovery S L A that
guarantees delivery of a clean array to your location. And during the on boarding process pure will work with you to develop a baseline recovery plan that will be reviewed regularly in the event of an attack. Peer will ship out a new array the next business day in the US Europe and the UK and two days for AJ simply due to customs pure storage will also send professional services to
receive the array and assist with a set up and transfer of clean data to the new array with transfer rates of at least eight terabytes per hour. Your organization will be on its feet much faster than trying to recover to a random array that just happens to have a little bit of spare capacity only to have to transfer that data back once the original array is returned to service.
So rather than sending kind regards and offering money after an attack pure is offering a real solution with a recovery plan and a place to land your clean data while your other array is tied up in investigations. And once that's done, you don't have to worry about transferring your data back. Simply send the old array back to pure.
It's one more way that pure is uncomplicated data storage forever if leaving your ransomware recovery to chance, sounds like a bad idea then check out pure storage dot com for more information on Evergreen one. Thanks so much for watching this special episode of digital bits until I see you in the next episode. Stay pure.
  • Ransomware
  • Evergreen//One
  • Video

You've heard of Ransomware Warranties but Pure Storage is doing things a bit different and actually helping recover your data after an attack. It's all backed by an industry first ransomware SLA, but what does that mean? Evergreen//One now offers a ransomware recovery service level agreement that guarantees a delivery of a clean storage array to your location. Watch the video to learn more.

Evergreen//One Advanced SLAs
Reduce risk with guaranteed service-level agreements for performance, capacity, uptime, energy efficiency, and more.
Solution Brief
3 pages
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