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Achieving IT Agility with Evergreen Architecture

This lightboard discussion will show how customers are achieving IT agility with Pure's Evergreen architecture to achieve seamless scalability and non-disruptive storage upgrades for their enterprise applications.
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It's awesome that you chose this video to click on. Thank you very much. My name is Tony Winn and I'm part of the portfolio marketing team here at pure storage. Today, we're gonna be talking about two things. Number one, the challenge is that legacy storage has created for organizations. But more importantly, number two, how pure is solving those challenges?
Spoiler alert is called our Evergreen architecture. But let's talk about the challenges of legacy storage. What you find is over time as your workloads and applications grow, your storage is unable to scale performance and expand to meet those workloads. Number two, the legacy storage is often not able to take advantage of new software features.
And finally, number three, any upgrades require a bad brand new rebuy, a forklift upgrade and interruption to your business operations using and upgrading legacy storage is very resource intensive but from a time and data perspective, time and dollars that can be used for higher value better I T strategic projects.
Legacy storage is the antithesis of I TJ that you're looking for. So how do we break this vicious cycle? It all starts with our Evergreen architecture with our evergreen architecture. We solve all the challenges of leaky storage and we do this by designing our storage to be upgraded. Number one, non disruptively,
Number two with data in place which results in zero impact to your organizations. How do we do this? We design our storage architecture to be modularly upgradable, which means that you can upgrade the controllers or blades to take advantage of the increased performance while maintaining the underlying flash storage,
which result in an ever modern storage architecture that's able to scale with your workload environments. Customers can take advantage of this and have taken advantage of this for both flash blade s and flash array. Can you imagine how much time you can save and budget you can save with the Evergreen approach
versus legacy storage. We break the painful cycle of buy install downtime of the legacy forklift upgrade and by combining our architecture, our Evergreen Forever subscription services, we provide customers with ultimate flexibility. Yes storage as a subscription that keeps your storage always modern and always improving for traditional storage purchases. Evergreen Forever provides included controller
and blade upgrades under regular cadence, delivering the newest controllers. Once every three years, you can also gain immediate access to new software features and capabilities all delivered via a cloud consumption model. But if your environment requires on demand and more frequent controlled upgrades, we also have a program that offers you the ability to upgrade your controllers and
blades anytime. So we've talked about our Evergreen architecture and our Evergreen Forever subscription service. What's the real world impact of this combination? Let me share that with you. # one we've upgraded over
10,000 customer controllers all with data in place and zero impact to operations. Let's take a minute to really double click on what that means. How much time and resources and money would it take for legacy storage to upgrade 10,000 controllers? Over one third of the users of our active cluster D R software
purchased their arrays before the feature was even released. And finally, over 97 A pure race that are five plus years or older are still in production today. And that's the positive impact that our Evergreen architecture combined with our Evergreen Forever subscription service has delivered for our customers.
Thank you very much. But wait, there's more as part of our subscriptions portfolio. We also offer Evergreen flex A storage ownership plus ization consumption model as well as Evergreen one, a 100% S L A based storage asset service where peer is responsible for meeting all your S L A objectives.
Find out more by clicking this video here. Thank you.
  • Evergreen//Flex
  • Evergreen//One
  • Video
  • Evergreen//Forever

This lightboard discussion will show how customers are achieving IT agility with Pure's Evergreen architecture to achieve seamless scalability and non-disruptive storage upgrades for their enterprise applications.

Evergreen//One Advanced SLAs
Reduce risk with guaranteed service-level agreements for performance, capacity, uptime, energy efficiency, and more.
Solution Brief
3 pages
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