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eGaming Businesses Win With Pure

Pure Storage is paying off for eGaming businesses that win.

Pure Is Your Advantage

eGaming is booming, and the competition is fierce. But many eGaming companies are losing up to £ 100K per month because of transaction bottlenecks, according to our recent research. Every moment matters when better customer experiences—and higher profits—are at stake. See why Pure is the leading storage solution for data availability, performance, and reliability.

World-Class Performance

  • Petabyte-scale capacity
  • 15GB/s throughput
  • 24M NFS IOPS


Always-On Availability

  • 99.9999% availability
  • Cloud-based management
  • Storage as-a-service (STaaS) model

Rock-Solid Reliability

  • Industry-leading all-flash innovator
  • Massively parallel performance
  • Trusted by leaders like PaddyPower Betfair

Stop Losing Money

eGaming firms lose as much as £85K a month due to poor transaction performance. 20% of people waste over £125K a month storing cold data. Why are firms struggling to spend more time on innovation? How can they balance the agility and the costs of the public cloud? See why a focus on consistently brilliant innovation will help you crush the competition. Get the exclusive report now: ‘The future of data in the eGaming industry: Technologies, opportunities and the All-flash debate.’

Stay Ahead Of Everybody

Discover your competitions’ big storage challenges. Get the agility and flexibility of public cloud without the cost and complexity. And accelerate innovation with AI—transforming market risk into a powerful and profitable winning streak. Anthony Liston, eGaming Sector Lead and Patrick Smith, EMEA Field CTO from Pure Storage guide you through the latest industry research.

Don't Take Our Word for It

We work with the best across all industries.

"Managing Pure Storage is tremendously easy. The solution does practically everything, greatly simplifying our administrator's work."

Luis Mazuecos
Director of IT Operations Managed Platform Services, Sportradar


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