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Business Continuity is Coming of Age

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery eBook

Thought Leadership

(7 pages, 727 KB)

Learn how and why IT leaders are turning their backs on traditional disaster recovery

Look at your business today. The way innovative apps thirst for data, and the way users rely on it every second of the day means there’s no room for error. Data must be always-on – and that means no gaps in availability, no downtime.

Consider that lost data from mission-critical app downtime cost organisations more than Consider that lost data from mission-critical app downtime cost organisations more than $102,000 per hour.02,000 per hour.


Download Business Continuity is coming of age: Why IT leaders are taking a proactive approach to banishing downtime by Pure Storage EMEA CTO, Patrick Smith, to learn:

  • The growing risks of using traditional disaster recovery technologies
  • How to evaluate business continuity versus disaster recovery
  • The best new route to continuous business continuity that will keep your data and organisation always-on
Download the Document
Learn how and why IT leaders are turning their backs on traditional disaster recovery.
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