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Pure Storage’s Modern Data Experience Crucial in Public Sector’s Quest for Fast, Scalable Operations

Customers are embracing Pure’s flexible consumption model and green approach
Pure’s Modern Data Experience Crucial in Public Sector’s Quest

London – January 12, 2022 —  Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG), the IT pioneer that delivers storage as-a-service in a multi-cloud world, continues to support the UK public sector on its drive towards digitalisation. Legacy infrastructure pressures and the system shock of the pandemic continue to challenge IT leaders, but as digital citizen services remain central to building trust in government, public sector IT teams are looking to technology partners to help ease the burden of day to day management. 

“The UK public sector has had to react and innovate at breathtaking pace over the past 18 months,” comments Wes van den Berg, VP UK, Pure Storage. “In doing so, the need to make  infrastructure invisible has intensified as a way to both free people up for more strategically valuable tasks and make it easier for IT admins to run. Organisations need infrastructure that is scalable, secure, reliable and available on demand. Embracing technology which is agile will enable the public sector to subscribe to innovation and maximise tight budgets via flexible consumption models, a services driven approach and modern infrastructure.” 

With 80% of worldwide data expected to be unstructured by 2025, public sector storage has to evolve into a cloud-like operating model that gives government departments the agility to store and scale at speed, no matter where data resides. Another key consideration is how to store and make use of this unstructured data. In order to empower teams to be successful, public sector organisations need the ability to quickly analyse unstructured data to turn it into insight through fast development, fast change, and fast speed to production. Flexible consumption models are a logical progression enabling IT leaders to remain responsive to their evolving operational requirements. Because of this trend, the Pure as-a-Service model is seeing a rapid growth in popularity in the UK, with Subscription Services revenue up 38% year-over-year and Subscription Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) up 30% according to Pure’s global FY22Q3 earnings announcement.

Supporting Public Sector Customers in the UK

Aiding connectivity and productivity for Ordnance Survey

Ordnance Survey maps Great Britain in extraordinary detail and has developed one of the world’s largest spatial databases made up of over 500 million uniquely identified features. The team wanted its storage solution to accommodate super-fast access to data, with the ability to enable deduplication and snapshots for backups and disaster recovery. Ordnance Survey can easily accommodate over a thousand edits and additions a day to its master database, which then seamlessly integrates to the company’s many mapping products.

“For many of our clients the data we provide is mission critical, so we cannot have any part of our technology failing, and storage is such an important piece of this offer. Before we worked with Pure, we had five people specifically tasked with data storage management. Now, we just have the Pure1 dashboard to tell us everything we need to know. We’ve been through three non-disruptive upgrades together, and have had 100% uptime since 2015, which is sacred to our business. It's amazing to think about how the Pure Storage arrays look after themselves. It’s like they run on magic.”

Lloyd Clarke
Virtualisation Lead at Ordnance Survey

Digitalising The British Army

When The British Army embarked on its digital transformation journey, THEIA, it needed a storage partner that could help it adopt more efficient and effective digital processes, improve security and aid collaboration. 

“Conflict in the digital age requires a digital army that can relentlessly out-compete its adversaries, seamlessly integrate with partners and enable people, equipment and resources to operate with maximum efficiency. As the nature of warfare has changed, we had to revolutionise our infrastructure so that we could store, process and analyse data quickly, often in limited physical spaces. This meant a large-scale data centre was not practical and so we’re pleased that Pure Storage was able to deliver the storage capabilities we needed to be effective,” said Colonel Mark Cornell, Assistant Head, Army Digital Services, The British Army.

“The UK National Data Strategy sets out priority areas of action including transforming the government’s use of data. However, there are numerous systemic barriers to achieving this such as the legacy infrastructure and data architectures that exist across the public sector,” comments Shaun Collings, Director, UK Public Sector, Pure Storage. “IT teams work hard to balance the burden of tight budgets and the need to urgently modernise older systems in order to drive efficiency and improve public services. In light of this, Pure's simple, resilient and flexible on-demand infrastructure is helping government organisations accelerate their modernisation journey: using data to achieve digital transformation that delivers improved citizen services, better decision making and greater efficiency”.

“As it becomes increasingly important for local and central government departments to run procurement exercises in line with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices, Pure also brings significant environmental benefits. Not only does our technology take up 96% less space than legacy spinning disk it also excels on power consumption. This adds another, important dimension to Pure’s support of public sector organisations as they look to achieve new green technology goals,” concludes Collings.

About Pure Storage

Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG) gives technologists their time back. Pure delivers a modern data experience that empowers organisations to run their operations as a true, automated, storage as-a-service model seamlessly across multiple clouds. Pure helps customers put data to use while reducing the complexity and expense of managing the infrastructure behind it. And with a certified customer satisfaction score in the top one percent of B2B companies, Pure's ever-expanding list of customers are  among the happiest in the world. For more information, visit

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Press Contact
Anna Fazakerley
Pure Storage
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