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白皮書, 4 頁

Maximize the Value of Your Unstructured Data

Unstructured data holds incredible potential for innovation—but it also poses challenges. As organizations capture more unstructured data than ever before, many struggle to extract its full value.

At Pure, we believe data storage doesn’t need to be complicated. That’s why we teamed up with IDG Market Research to poll more than 500 IT professionals to explore the challenges of modern unstructured data storage. Our research revealed how modern storage frameworks can meet the unstructured data requirements of today to help businesses gain competitive advantage.

Download the white paper and get research-driven insights including:

  1. How unstructured data is growing at breakneck speed, representing significant opportunities for faster, better decision making

  2. Why legacy storage frameworks can cause organizations to miss out on maximizing the value of unstructured data

  3. Why organizations need to embrace a storage strategy evolution to ensure they’re set up for long-term competitive advantage

“When organizations embrace a modern data and storage framework, they’re better able to mine unstructured data and extract the maximum value from it.”

IDG Research
Download the White Paper
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  • 白皮書



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