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Virgin Media O2

Virgin Media O2 Aims for Zero Emissions with Pure

One of the UK’s largest telecos, Virgin Media O2 depends on deep customer insight to deliver services effectively, so when its storage struggled to handle growing demands, the company made the switch to Pure Storage®.




Formed by the merger of two powerhouse companies, Virgin Media O2 serves over 47 million connections in the UK, providing quad-play services: TV, broadband, phone, and mobile coverage. The company uses deep customer insight and a commitment to sustainability to stand out from other telcos. When its legacy storage approached end of life, Virgin Media O2 sought a high-performance solution that would also contribute to sustainability. With Pure Storage, analytics run faster, power bills are lower, storage footprint is smaller, and upgrades are non-disruptive.


  • Telecommunications


  • EMEA

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Active Real-Time Analytics


Virgin Media achieves 98% reduction in power consumption
With Pure Storage, Virgin Media O2 runs analytics faster, reduces power bills, and shrinks its storage footprint.


With 47 million customers, Virgin Media O2 has an enormous volume of data to analyze and manage. The ever-growing data volumes increasingly stressed legacy storage, and upgrades created risk of service outages that could compromise services. The company needed to make a change that would not imperil operations and would support its need to hit zero carbon emissions across its entire value chain by 2040.


Business Transformation

  • 96% reduction in power consumption after moving to FlashArray
  • Gains insights to better manage, bundle, and develop services for customers
  • Increases scalability to support data demands from connected devices

IT Transformation

  • Reduced data center footprint to 3U from previous 42U legacy deployments
  • Handles four petabytes of customer data on just 20 FlashArray units
  • Experienced zero Priority One alerts and delivered non-disruptive upgrades



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