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Man AHL Accelerates Time-to-market with Pure Storage Data Hub

Investment management firm selects FlashBlade to drive investment modeling for its $24 billion portfolio.


Man AHL is a pioneer in the field of systematic quantitative investing. Its entire business is based on creating and executing computer models to make investment decisions. The firm has adopted the Pure Storage data hub solution to deliver the massive storage throughput and scalability required to meet its most demanding simulation applications.


Financial Services


United Kingdom

Use Cases

  • Applications - Python, Java and Apache Spark®
  • Database – In-house development



Man AHL sees significant savings from the simplicity of operation
The company benefits from more than FlashBlade’s raw performance, and the Pure Storage plug-and-play capabilities add to operational efficiency.


One of the firm’s highest priorities was delivering a robust and ever-more-performant technology platform as a means of optimizing the performance and productivity of its quants and technologists. The demands on technology infrastructure at the firm were significant

  • Storage capacity was doubling every 18 months.
  • Legacy storage architecture was not adequately supporting developers and quantitative researchers.
  • Simulations required greater IOPS and bandwidth than legacy storage could provide.
  • The business was unable to fully leverage new technologies such as Spark and AI.


Business Transformation

  • Quantitative researchers can now run more simulations faster, accelerating time-to-market for new investment models and raising the probability of improved returns for investors.

IT Transformation

  • Up to 600,000 IOPS and 6GBs bandwidth provide more than sufficient processing power for the most demanding simulations.
  • Quantitative researchers benefit from 10x-20x processing improvement.
  • Highly scalable Pure FlashBlade™ architecture provides an on-demand path for future growth in capacity.    



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