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Pure Storage and COCC

COCC Delivers Standout Fintech Experiences

When COCC’s legacy storage struggled to support the company’s new virtual desktop environment, COCC transformed its infrastructure across the board, replacing its tape arrays with Pure Storage.


Among the fastest growing fintech companies in the United States, COCC gives community banks and credit unions more control over data, cybersecurity, and visibility while enhancing customer experience. Recognizing the key role that financial services firms play in driving economic growth, COCC provides its clients with the next generation technology and security solutions needed to best serve their customers. When its legacy storage showed signs of aging, COCC built a new foundation on Pure Storage®, gaining speed, stability, and scalability.


  • Financial Services


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Modernize Data Protection
  • Activate Real-time Analytics
  • Enable Multicloud
  • Power Artificial Intelligence



Committed to supporting its clients with the most innovative offerings, COCC identified several key issues with its legacy storage. As the company adopted a new virtual desktop platform, its legacy storage showed its age. In addition, the security operations center required significant data and storage administration, taking energy away from cyber defense strategy. And clients increasingly expected 100% uptime from its systems, which was more than legacy systems were designed to provide.


Business Transformation

  • Fuels rapid growth of its unique data as-a-service platform
  • Enhances every client’s IT capabilities with a next-generation database
  • Differentiates its fintech services with uncompromising speed and security

IT Transformation

  • Streamlines top tier storage with 14:1 deduplication rate
  • Boosts SOC performance, reduces risk with integrated storage and security
  • Completed six non-disruptive storage upgrades while growing at pace



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Pure Storage AIRI解決方案助長庚紀念醫院AI核心實驗室面對資料及系統整合挑戰


台灣前三大的積體電路設計公司-瑞昱半導體採用 Pure Storage 後,提升營運效益


Pure Storage 為宏遠證券打造高效率及高效能的作業環境,資料壓縮比高達10倍以上、資料搬遷速度快6倍


Pure Storage協助神腦國際提升系統效能 助智慧零售整合一臂之力

