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Application Development

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What are the operational advantages to using container storage?

Containers offer several operational advantages when it comes to storage. By encapsulating all the code and dependencies required for an app to run, containers eliminate the need to virtualize an entire operating system and server, reducing the resource requirements compared to traditional virtual machines (VMs). This means container storage is much less taxing on physical servers, allowing for greater efficiency and resource utilization.

By leveraging container storage, you can optimize your infrastructure, improve operational efficiency, and achieve faster application deployment. The lightweight, portable, and scalable nature of containers makes them a powerful solution for modern data storage needs.

People also ask:

1. How do you back up a Kubernetes application?

Unlike traditional applications that can be backed up using server-based snapshots, Kubernetes applications comprise multiple components—containers, pods, volumes, configuration—that are spread across a cluster of servers. As a result, all these components must be backed up together in order to facilitate fast recovery.

2. Can I use cloud storage for containers?

Cloud storage like Amazon EBS, Google Persistent Disk, and Azure Managed Disk can be used for containers. However, you should run a software-defined container-storage layer on top of these cloud disks to achieve container-granular HA, data security, and backup and recovery.

3. What does Portworx by Pure Storage offer my company?

Portworx is a Kubernetes data-services platform designed to provide persistent storage, data protection, disaster recovery, and other capabilities for containerized applications. While Portworx was designed from the bottom up to run on any storage platform, the massively parallel and high-performing all-flash storage solutions from Pure Storage are the perfect hardware counterpart for your Kubernetes-powered apps. Together, Pure Storage and Portworx provide a complete data storage infrastructure solution.

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