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Ebook, 21 pages

Sustainable Storage: Managing Data Center Energy Consumption in Times of Uncertainty

Today more than ever, rising unstructured data demands and energy costs are leading to an increased focus on sustainability initiatives. To better understand how enterprises are addressing environmental challenges, Enterprise Strategy Group conducted a comprehensive survey of IT professionals in North America and Western Europe. This research ebook summarizes the results and provides insights into how organizations are:

  • Mitigating energy insecurity during times of digital transformation
  • Increasing focus on sustainability for IT buying decisions
  • Implementing greater data center efficiencies
  • Adapting to greater environmental, social, and governance (ESG) regulations 

The energy savings derived from all-flash unstructured data storage leads to lower long-term costs and impactful business outcomes.

“Efficient solutions for data storage are necessary to address energy insecurity.”

Keir Walker
Senior Market Research Analyst, ESG
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