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8:09 Webinars

The Pure Storage Platform: Simplicity with AI

Shawn Hanson, GM, Core Platform Business Unit introduces the latest innovations across the Pure Storage platform with Pure simplicity for AI.
This webinar first aired on 19 juni 2024
  • Artificiële Intelligentie
  • Video
  • Pure Fusion
  • Pure//Accelerate

Shawn Hansen

Vice President and General Manager, FlashArray

Shawn Hanson, GM of the Core Platform Business Unit, introduces Pure Storage’s latest advancements in simplicity for AI, emphasizing the ease and efficiency brought by their innovative platform. Discover how Pure Storage’s Evergreen architecture ensures your infrastructure stays fresh and new, eliminating the complexities and inefficiencies of traditional storage systems. Learn about Pure Storage's new NVIDIA DGX Super Pod certification and the introduction of secure application workspaces that integrate seamlessly with Kubernetes. Explore the industry's first AI copilot for storage management, revolutionizing the way large storage fleets are managed using natural language. Finally, hear about the next generation of Fusion, automating storage across a global pool and transforming how businesses manage their data.

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