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24:22 Webinars

Sustainability: Not All All-flash Is Created Equal

Learn how Pure Storage with its direct-to-flash management can save you up to 85% more on your storage energy bills, even compared to other all-flash.
This webinar first aired on 6 september 2023
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  • Duurzaamheid
  • Energie
  • ESG
  • Kosten optimaliseren

Tony Huynh

Sr. Portfolio Marketing Manager , Pure Storage

All-flash storage is more sustainable than hard disk-based storage – it uses less energy and consumes less space in your data center. However, some all-flash solutions push this efficiency far higher. Come hear how Pure Storage with its direct-to-flash management can save you up to 85% more on your storage energy bills, even compared to other all-flash.

You'll learn:

  • Storage accounts for 20-25% of energy use in your data center, and this could double in the next decade
  • Pure Storage solutions are far more efficient even than competing all-flash, using up to 85% less energy
  • Picking the right all-flash storage will not only save you more money in the long run, but also help toward your organization’s sustainability goals

De efficiëntie van Pure Storage helpt uw IT-team en de planeet

Ons slimme productontwerp verlaagt de uitstoot van broeikasgassen (BKG’s) tot wel 85% in vergelijking met andere leveranciers van all-flash-opslag.

Lees het ESG-rapport
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