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50:48 Webinars

Sustainability and Storage: The Expanding Story

Saving you up to 85% in your storage environment is just the beginning. To help you achieve your sustainability goals, Pure Storage also helps reduce energy consumption, e-waste, and rack space footprint while improving data center efficiency and utilization.
This webinar first aired on 6 juli 2023
  • Artificiële Intelligentie
  • Bedrijfscontinuïteit
  • Professional Services
  • Evergreen//One
  • Pure1
  • Tech Talks
  • FlashBlade

Kevin Rickson

Director of Portfolio Marketing, Pure Storage

Kathy Mulvany

Global Head of ESG Strategy, Pure Storage

Knowledge is power. If you want to get more from modern data, Pure’s Tech Talk series can supercharge your storage savvy. Led by Pure solution experts and industry guests, these lively discussions explore features, live demos, and best practices to address the use cases you care most about. You’ll come away informed, inspired—and ready to unleash the full power of modern data for your business. Uncomplicated Data Storage, Forever.

Saving you up to 85% in your storage environment is just the beginning. To help you achieve your sustainability goals, Pure Storage also helps reduce energy consumption, e-waste, and rack space footprint while improving data center efficiency and utilization. At a time when data centers consume up 1-2% of global energy usage—with the same environmental impact as the global airline industry—more sustainable storage can make a big difference for the world we share.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how you can use our products and services to:

  • Reduce your energy usage and data center footprint while improving efficiency
  • Replace inefficient legacy spinning disks with sustainable high performance solutions
  • Increase IT’s contribution to corporate emission Net Zero goals

Be one of the first 200 to register and attend, we will send you a $10 gift card for lunch of your choice.


Participants who attend and participate in the Event will be entered into a random drawing that will be conducted during or after the Event. The winner of the random drawing will receive one (1) JBL Clip Speaker (approx. value $100). The winning Participant will be identified during the Event or within a reasonable amount of time after the Event. See Terms & Conditions.

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Pure Storage

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