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22:07 Webinars

Hybrid Cloud and Storage-As-Code

When it comes to monitoring and optimizing a hybrid cloud, you have to make sure you're capturing metrics and tuning performance from the on-premises systems and from public and private cloud services.
This webinar first aired on 13 juni 2023
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  • Evergreen//One
  • Cloud Block Store
  • Hybride Cloud
  • FlashArray//C
  • FlashArray//X
  • Multicloud

Mike Nelson

Technical Evangelist

The hybrid cloud is by definition complex. When it comes to monitoring and optimizing a hybrid cloud, you have to make sure you're capturing metrics and tuning performance from the on-premises systems and from public and private cloud services.

And you've got to make sure you're checking any handoffs and performance bottlenecks in the public networks between the two (or more) environments.

You'll learn:

  • Pure Storage solution for Hybrid Cloud scenarios
  • How Pure Fusion bridges the gaps with hybrid cloud
  • How Storage-As-Code enables automated, consistent, and scalable hybrid infrastructure resources
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