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50:52 Webinars

How a Consistent Data Platform Simplifies AI Collaboration

Don't miss out on this opportunity to simplify your model deployment process and unlock the full potential of your data. Join us for our TechTalk and revolutionize the way you approach deploying models.
This webinar first aired on 22 februari 2024
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  • Artificiële Intelligentie
  • Tech Talks

Jean-Baptiste Thomas

EMEA Practice Leader - Analytics/AI • EMEA, Pure Storage

Laurent Boschet

Field Solutions Architect • EMEA Specialist Field Tech, Pure Storage

Embarking on the journey of deploying models can feel overwhelming. Fear not, as we're here to simplify the process for you. By leveraging the power of a consistent data platform, we can significantly impact the time it takes to go from concept to deployment.

Join us for an enlightening session where you will learn:

  • How to prepare your data to be 'algorithm ready'
  • The crucial role of storage layer capabilities in accelerating your time to result
  • Experience a live demo showcasing Pure Storage's specific tools to streamline your workflow and deployment process

But that's not all – we want to hear from you! Our session will wrap up with a live Q&A where you can ask any burning questions you have about data platforms, model deployment, or anything else related to our discussion.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to simplify your model deployment process and unlock the full potential of your data. Join us for our TechTalk and revolutionize the way you approach deploying models.


Be one of the first 200 to register and attend, we will send you a $10 gift card for lunch of your choice.

Participants who attend and participate in the Event will be entered into a random drawing that will be conducted during or after the Event. The winner of the random drawing will receive one (1) JBL Clip Speaker (approx. value $100). The winning Participant will be identified during the Event or within a reasonable amount of time after the Event. See Terms and Conditions.


Marktleider in innovatie

In het jaar waarin AI doorbrak, werd Pure Storage door AI Breakthrough Awards erkend als de beste AI-oplossing voor Big Data.

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