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54:53 Webinars

Why Hardware and Software Co-Innovation Matters to your Business

Flash memory is pretty incredible stuff. At Pure Storage®, we’ve built our entire storage hardware portfolio on solid-state storage.
This webinar first aired on 1 september 2022
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  • Evergreen//One
  • Back-up & Recovery
  • Moderne Analytics
  • Tech Talks
  • FlashBlade
  • Oracle-oplossingen
  • VMware-oplossingen
  • FlashArray//C
  • FlashArray//X

Justin Emerson

Hoofdproductmanager, Pure Storage

Flash memory is pretty incredible stuff. At Pure Storage®, we’ve built our entire storage hardware portfolio on solid-state storage. We’ve eschewed disk as a relic of the past and are building a new generation of storage platforms centered around flash memory. We think storage is an industry still ripe for innovation, not commoditization.

But the incredible march of progress that has driven flash densities higher and higher is also slowly chipping away at its core purpose: to reliably store bits. Like a tragic superhero, its power for good is slowly killing it.

There’s good news: These are solvable problems, but they require new approaches to building systems that fundamentally reimagine how flash is managed. Learn how Pure Storage takes a different approach with DirectFlash® - and the key advantages we provide to customers over the traditional approach that drives superior business outcomes.

FlashArray//XL testen

Werk in een zelfbedieningsomgeving om het management van een Pure FlashArray//XL te ervaren. Ontdek geavanceerde functies, waaronder snapshots, replicatie, ActiveCluster™ en zelfs integratie van VMware.

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