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Whitepaper, 7 pages

Meet the Exacting Demands of Quantitative Trading

Accelerate Time to Insight

Quantitative (quant) trading is a high-stakes activity with exacting standards. Alpha is fleeting and strategies quickly lose their edge. When microseconds matter, you need the very best technology to achieve optimum performance, both now and in the future. Accelerating time to insight means accelerating time to revenue.

In this white paper, you’ll learn how:

  • All-flash solutions provide faster and smarter ways of working with unmatched speed, scalability, and simplicity
  • Flash gives you maximum flexibility across all data types, from time series to billions of small files and metadata to massive throughput for large objects
  • Incorporating AI-based feedback, such as transaction cost analysis (TCA) and real-time market sensing, in a continuous loop can speed decision making, reduce costs, and improve outcomes
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Pure Storage

Herikerbergweg 292

1101 CT . Amsterdam Zuidoost

The Netherlands

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