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O'Reilly Report: Understanding Log Analytics at Scale

Log analytics has the potential to deliver a range of essential benefits to many different businesses. But to do so, it is crucial to leverage the right infrastructure and techniques.

O'Reilly's "Understanding Log Analytics at Scale" report covers the common set of best practices and considerations that can guide architects during the planning process. Use the report to identify the points that you need to consider to achieve successful business outcomes from your log data.

This overview of log analytics will cover:

  • What is log analytics?
  • Why is log data vital in today's world?
  • How to address specific business problems using log analytics?
  • How to make the right storage deployments for log analytics use-cases?
  • How will log analytics evolve in the future?

Readers of this report can expect a better understanding of:

  • A definition of log analytics, plus information about its current state and common issues surrounding log analytics
  • Different ways organizations are using log analytics to address specific business problems and achieve better outcomes
  • The role of storage in ensuring successful outcomes with log analytics and how log analytics will evolve in the future

Sophisticated log analytics has become an engine for business insight as well as compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies.

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  • Analistenverslag
  • Data-Analytics
  • IT Ops Analytics
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