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Pure Storage and Veracel

Veracel Improves its SAP Performance with a FlashStack Converged Infrastructure.

Company sees a simplified version of their IT Infrastructure to support the whole production chain, support, and IT evolution.


Veracel is a joint venture of the world's two largest pulp and paper producers – Stora Enso and Suzano. As part of its digital transformation, their mission is to modernize the company’s processes without any risk of interruption at Veracel’s mill. Veracel chose FlashStack — the converged infrastructure solution from Pure Storage and Cisco Systems — speeds complex processing times and time-consuming processes, lowers operating costs, reduced storage space, and simplified administrative demands, enabling complete automation of SAP platform via CAT.


  • Pulp and Paper


  • LATAM / Brazil

Use Cases

  • ERP – SAP®
  • Database – Microsoft® SQL Server, Oracle®
  • Virtual Server Infrastructure – VMware®



  • Maintain two active data centers without any risk of interruption at the plant.
  • Reduce ERP maintenance costs, equipment and periodic certification.
  • Reduce application response, storage space, latency and high rates of data.
  • Provide 24/7 support for uninterrupted business operations.


Business Transformation

FlashStack™ — the converged infrastructure solution from Pure Storage® and Cisco Systems® — speeds complex processing times and time-consuming processes, lowers operating costs, reduced storage space, and simplified administrative demands, enabling complete automation of SAP platform via CAT.

IT Transformation

  • Application response reduced from 2 hours to 8 seconds.
  • Latency lowered from 100ms to 1ms.
  • High rates of data reduction ensure adequate storage capacity to meet long- term needs.
  • Storage space reduced by 75%, with only one rack in each data center.

Meer informatie


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Pure Storage

Herikerbergweg 292

1101 CT . Amsterdam Zuidoost

The Netherlands

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