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Pure Storage and Waitrose

DKFZ (the German Cancer Research Center) improved its storage environment with an all-flash solution from Pure Storage.

Learn how DKFZ develop cutting edge approaches to make treatment of cancer patients more successful.


The DKFZ is the largest biomedical research institute in Germany and a member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers. Across more than 90 departments and research groups, 1,200 scientists research the mechanisms of cancer, identify risk factors, and try to find strategies to prevent people from getting cancer. Employees working at other clinics and at the German Consortium for Tumor Diseases can work remotely and quickly access sensitive data within a secure environment. Sensitive data is now available faster and easier.


  • Research


  • Germany

Use Cases



  • Upgrade legacy storage platform with a questionable future roadmap.
  • Achieve better storage performance and efficient access to data to accelerate research activities.
  • Reduce support requirements and operating costs, including by eliminating disk replacement.


Business Transformation

Employees working at other clinics and at the German Consortium for Tumor Diseases can work remotely and quickly access sensitive data within a secure environment. Sensitive data is now available faster and easier.

IT Transformation

  • With the five FlashArray arrays distributed over two data centers, the storage management effort at the DKFZ has been significantly reduced.
  • The DKFZ was able to achieve higher stability and faster access times.
  • The DKFZ was also able to reduce space requirements in the data centers by 50 to 70 percent.

Meer informatie


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Pure Storage

Herikerbergweg 292

1101 CT . Amsterdam Zuidoost

The Netherlands

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