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Pure and Chang Gung

Medical Research Gets a Boost with AIRI

In its continuing efforts to improve patient care, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital accelerated its AI-driven analysis and genetic research by adopting AIRI with Pure Storage FlashBlade.




At Chang Gung Memorial Hospital’s Center for AI in Medicine, researchers are using AI and deep learning to leverage the organization’s massive collection of clinical and genetic data, with the long-term goal of improving patient care. As the demand for data analysis and research projects increased, the center needed a more powerful storage infrastructure to handle the workloads with greater speed.


  • Healthcare


  • Taiwan

Use Cases

  • Power Artificial Intelligence


Adopting AIRI with Pure Storage FlashBlade//S™, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital gained the capacity and speed to handle an increasing number of high-performance computing initiatives.

Business Transformation

  • Accelerates medical research to produce insights faster
  • Offers the stability to support multiple projects simultaneously 
  • Provides reliable security to protect sensitive clinical data

IT Transformation

  • Increases computing efficiency by 7x
  • Enables 3:1 data reduction on massive stores of unstructured data
  • Supports 10 high-performance computing servers with a single storage platform

Meer informatie


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