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City of Bloomington

City of Bloomington Modernizes for the Data Age

When growing volumes of public safety data shifted the priority to IT modernization, the City of Bloomington chose a Pure Storage® Evergreen//Flex™ subscription for financial flexibility, stability, and performance.




In the heart of Central Illinois, the City of Bloomington boasts a diverse economy and a highly productive agricultural community. A new data governance initiative spurred a major IT modernization effort to better manage the City's growing data load. Public safety in particular generated increasingly large data sets through the use of body cameras. With a goal of scalability to match data growth, the IT team selected Pure Storage FlashArrays on an Evergreen//Flex subscription, paying only for storage used.


  • State and Local Government


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Modernize Data Protection



Fiscal challenges for the city resulted in strategic cutbacks and deferred maintenance. Meanwhile, exponential growth from police body cameras taxed the legacy storage infrastructure. It became increasingly difficult to use and manage the City's disparate and aging storage systems. The City needed a way to scale its own storage quickly while paying only for what it used.


Business Transformation

  • 85% reduction in storage footprint, cutting data center costs
  • Delivers on-demand scalability and financial flexibility for city budget 
  • Gives the City a modern infrastructure to serve citizens in the digital age

IT Transformation

  • Speeds access to time-critical data for public safety and other departments
  • Lowers upfront capital costs while maintaining ever-modern storage 
  • Standardized on a single storage platform, simplifying administration

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