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25:43 Seminarios web

Supporting, Securing, & Enhancing Microsoft-centric Environments EcoCast

Join us to learn how Pure's data mobility capabilities can deliver a game-changing impact for your business, both on-prem and/or in Azure. We'll discuss simple ways to migrate data, with consistent experience and simplicity, enabling you to be more efficient, scalable, secure, and highly available.
This webinar first aired on 11 de abril de 2024
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Nihal Mirashi

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Solutions, Pure Storage

Andy Yun

Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

No matter who you are, your data volume continues to grow daily. And that means more data that you need to worry about moving around, whether it be for High Availability/Disaster Recovery, reporting & other business needs.

Join us to learn how Pure's data mobility capabilities can deliver a game-changing impact for your business, both on-prem and/or in Azure. We'll discuss simple ways to migrate data, with consistent experience and simplicity, enabling you to be more efficient, scalable, secure, and highly available.

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