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1:03:04 Seminarios web

GenAI, RAG, Say What? Going beyond the AI Buzzwords to Business Value

This month, host Andrew Miller welcomes back Miroslav Klivansky, Global Practice Lead for AI & Analytics at Pure Storage, to walk through a topic you’ve probably not heard much about recently - Artificial Intelligence / AI. Or maybe, you’ve heard so much about it that a reality check + technical depth would be welcome - that’s our hope.
This webinar first aired on 17 de abril de 2024
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  • Coffee Break
  • Cisco
  • Inteligencia artificial

Andrew Miller

Senior Principal Technologist, Americas

Miroslav Klivansky

Arquitecto de datos principal - AI y análisis, Pure Storage

Who knew that the best coffee break conversations would end up happening online? Each month, Pure’s Coffee Break series invites experts in technology and business to chat about the themes driving today’s IT agenda - much more ‘podcast’ than ‘webinar’. This is no webinar or training session—it’s a freewheeling conversation that’s as fun as it is informative and the perfect way to break up your day. While we’ll wander into Pure technology, our goal is to educate and entertain rather than sell.

This month, host Andrew Miller welcomes back Miroslav Klivansky, Global Practice Lead for AI & Analytics at Pure Storage, to walk through a topic you’ve probably not heard much about recently - Artificial Intelligence / AI. Or maybe, you’ve heard so much about it that a reality check + technical depth would be welcome - that’s our hope.

We’ll cover:

  • Rapidly evolving landscape - what AI meant 2 years ago and the major shifts that have led to today’s acceleration. We might even mix in some hyperscalar + industry financial commentary.
  • Making AI work for your business - what’s exciting about Fine Tuning, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), and their applicability to your data, processes and business.
  • Pure’s Architecture that uniquely fits AI needs - training models is not for the faint of heart…or those lacking in throughput. We’ll provide an update on how the Pure Data Storage Platform for AI is enabling these trends.
  • Deeper Partnerships & New Solutions - let’s talk NVIDIA DGX BasePod, GPUDirect Storage, Cisco Validated Designs for GenAI and MLOps, AIRI, and OVX. Got another buzzword? We’ll likely cover it!

For joining us, the first 500 participants to register and attend will receive a $10 coffee eGift card after the event. Also, one lucky attendee will win a YETI Coffee Lover Set (approx. value $132.16). See Terms & Conditions.

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