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58:51 Seminarios web

The (Disk) Dinosaurs Never Saw It Coming: The Meteoric Impact of FlashBlade//E

This is no webinar or training session—it’s a freewheeling conversation that’s as fun as it is informative and the perfect way to break up your day. While we’ll wander into Pure technology, our goal is to educate and entertain rather than sell.
This webinar first aired on 12 de abril de 2023
The first 5 minute(s) of our recorded Webinars are open; however, if you are enjoying them, we’ll ask for a little information to finish watching.
  • Continuidad del negocio
  • Evergreen//One
  • Nube híbrida
  • Coffee Break
  • Habilite la multinube
  • FlashBlade
  • Backup y recuperación
  • Aplicaciones empresariales
  • FlashBlade//E

Andrew Miller

Lead Principal Technologist, Pure Storage

Justin Emerson

Principal Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

Who knew that the best coffee break conversations would end up happening online? Each month, Pure’s Coffee Break series invites experts in technology and business to chat about the themes driving today’s IT agenda - much more ‘podcast’ than ‘webinar’. This is no webinar or training session—it’s a freewheeling conversation that’s as fun as it is informative and the perfect way to break up your day. While we’ll wander into Pure technology, our goal is to educate and entertain rather than sell.

For April, host Andrew Miller invites Justin Emerson, FlashBlade Technology Evangelist, to the Coffee Break.

This month we’ll explore:

  • From Pure Partner to Pure: What it’s like being a “chronic fixer” and the “upward gravitational pull” of wanting to improve things that led Justin to Pure.
  • Double-click on Better Science: Continuing our January discussion (by popular demand) with Brian Gold on doing things the right way is not always the easy way.
  • FlashBlade//E:The market landscape that drove the creation of Pure’s latest innovation in storage.
  • Use Cases: Thought hard drives were the only solution? Think again!
    • Tune in as we expand the on our previous theme of “Flash for All (Workloads)”    

Yes, this will expand the theme for “Flash for All (Workloads)” that we’ve previously explored.

As always, we’ll keep it educational while exploring how Pure is offering capabilities and products that benefit you. The team will stay on after the webinar answering any questions for those that want to stay longer!

For joining us, the first 1000 participants to register and attend will receive a $10 coffee eGift card after the event. Also, one lucky attendee will win a Copper Edition Ember 10oz. Mug (valued at $130)! See Terms & Conditions.

Entre a la nueva era del almacenamiento de datos no estructurados

FlashBlade//E ofrece los beneficios del flash completo de una forma más económica que el disco. Administre el crecimiento de datos no estructurados de forma eficiente, simple y sustentable con una excelente experiencia de usuario y una operación a un costo más bajo a largo plazo.

Descubra FlashBlade//E
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