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30:42 Seminarios web

Enhance LLMs with RAG and Accelerate Enterprise AI with Pure Storage and NVIDIA

Unlock the transformative power of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) with Pure Storage and NVIDIA. Join us for a session packed with insights and demonstrations to supercharge your generative AI initiatives.
This webinar first aired on 25 de abril de 2024
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  • AIRI
  • Tech Talks
  • FlashBlade
  • Inteligencia artificial

Robert Alvarez

Sr. AI Solution Architect, Pure Storage

Anuradha Karuppiah

Principal Engineer, NVIDIA

Calvin Nieh

Solutions Marketing Manager AI, Pure Storage

The benefits and ROI of Generative AI for enterprises are clear with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). RAG provides company-specific responses by enhancing generic large language models (LLMs) with proprietary data. 

This session will show how an enterprise implementation of RAG with Pure Storage® and NVIDIA speeds-up data processing, increases scalability, and provides real-time responses more easily than creating custom LLMs from scratch. 

Attend to get technical insight and see a demonstration of distributed and accelerated GenAI RAG pipelines.

  • Learn the benefits of enhancing LLMs with RAG for enterprise-scale GenAI applications

  • Understand how to accelerate the RAG pipeline and deliver enhanced insight using NVIDIA NeMo Retriever microservices and the Pure Storage FlashBlade//S™

  • See our proof of concept demonstration, showing accelerated RAG in an enterprise use case

The first 100 (one hundred) Eligible Participants for each region (AMS & EMEA) who register for and attend the Event will receive one (1) e-gift card for Treedom to have a tree planted in the Participant's name - in honor of Earth Day! (Approximate retail value: €40 EUR / $40 USD). Terms & Conditions.

Un líder en innovación

En un año de gran avance para la AI, Pure Storage ha sido reconocida por los premios AI Breakthrough Awards como la mejor solución de AI para el manejo de Big Data.

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