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52:53 Seminarios web

Cybersecurity Awareness: A Look Back, A Look Ahead

Join us for our monthly FlashCrew webinar series, where you’ll get to join an insightful crew of other Pure Storage users as we discuss tech updates, applications, and best practices to do more with your Pure solution.
This webinar first aired on 14 de noviembre de 2023
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  • FlashCrew
  • Protección de datos de empresas

Andrew Miller

Lead Principal Technologist, Pure Storage

Jason Walker

Global Practice Leader, Cyber Resiliency, Pure Storage

Join us for our monthly FlashCrew webinar series, where you’ll get to join an insightful crew of other Pure Storage users as we discuss tech updates, applications, and best practices to do more with your Pure solution.

Another Cybersecurity Awareness Month has come and gone. Did you do enough to secure your data?  Over the past month, we hosted a number of webinars and published a lot of tips designed to empower your efforts to build a more data resilient architecture. So sit back, grab a beverage and join industry expert Andrew Miller as he:

  • Looks back at some of the ransomware trends of 2023
  • Reviews key resources delivered during the past month
  • Looks forward to how to establish a multi-layered defense that safeguards critical data and thwarts ransomware attacks

Kick your feet up on your desk, sit back, and explore with us the many powers to harness the full potential of your Pure Storage —along with your chance to enjoy hand selected craft beer after the session. It’s purely casual.


Terms and Conditions
For joining us, the first 200 US and Canadian Pure Customers to register and attend will receive a Craft Beer Kit after the event, each kit will feature four unique craft beers. Kits cannot ship to UT, AL, IL, NH, MI, MS, Post Office Boxes, Military Addresses, Puerto Rico and other and/or US territories. Also, one lucky attendee will win a Pure Storage Outdoor Fun Bundle (valued at $96) in our Webinar Raffle.

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