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Informe de analistas, 7 pages

IDC Spotlight: Improve Enterprise SIEM Operations with the Right Storage

Effective data storage and access are foundational to enterprise-class security analytics. The speed at which you access and analyze data is critical to meeting the stringent MTTD (mean time to detect) and MTTR (mean time to recovery)requirements facing security operations teams.

In this IDC Spotlight, you will learn why storage systems used to support SIEM (security information and event management) systems must be able to accommodate modern data types and provide modern application support. You will also discover why enterprise-class, all-flash systems using disaggregated, scale-out architectures are a good fit for storage infrastructure supporting SIEM.

Responsive security analytics starts with performant, scalable, and simple data storage. See how Pure can help.

“Security is a paramount consideration for IT organizations today, and the quality of SIEM operations in those organizations is a key determinant of business success.”

IDC Spotlight sponsored by Pure Storage, How the Right Storage Can Help Improve Enterprise SIEM Operations, #US48973922, March 2022

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