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Pure Storage + VMware
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Featured Solutions

Unlock Savings and Unblock Database Workloads for Azure VMware Solution

Pure Cloud Block Store™ unlocks the full potential of Azure VMware Solutions (AVS) by providing external block storage with enterprise-grade data services.

“The biggest difference with vVols on Pure Storage is that nobody is waiting idly. By removing multiple bottlenecks to the business, we now have the bandwidth to support more projects.”

Carl Wolcott
IT Manager, Kai USA

“Pure’s FlashArray gives us the high-performance storage we need to deliver fast, flawless digital experiences to our customers.”

Adam Rasner
Vice President, Technology Operations, AutoNation


Solution Brief
Modernize Your Hybrid Cloud
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Pure Storage, Inc.

2555 Augustine Dr.

Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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