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Pure Storage + NVIDIA
  • Technology Alliance Partner
  • Analytics & AI
  • Intelligence & Information Management
  • Global



AIRI is a certified NVIDIA DGX BasePOD full-stack solution that simplifies AI deployment and scales quickly and efficiently to keep your data teams focused on delivering valuable insights, not managing IT.

“Pure Storage and AIRI prepare a platform for innovation to make advancements in AI development.”

Shuta Yanagita
Software Strategy Manager, Software Strategy, Olympus

“You need to consider storage to drive the success of AI projects. FlashBlade® processes large amounts of data reliably at high speed, allowing us to build an infrastructure that always provides the optimal performance.”


Jargalsaikhan Narantuya
Professor, AI Graduate School, GIST


Meet AIRI: AI Infrastructure for Modern Innovators
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Llámenos: 800-976-6494

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Pure Storage, Inc.

2555 Augustine Dr.

Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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