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Pure Storage and Veritas

Veritas Protects Infrastructure with Pure Storage

Veritas moves to Splunk SmartStore on Pure Storage to reduce operational costs and increase speed and scalability for application and infrastructure logging.




Veritas relies on data to keep systems running—using Splunk to detect anomalies and threats in its environment. The faster it can analyze the data, the better it can protect its infrastructure. But high costs and lagging performance with Splunk on an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platform were unsustainable. Veritas turned to Pure Storage for a faster, more cost-effective solution.




  • North America

Use Cases

  • Activate Real-Time Analytics and AI
  • Modernize Data Protection





Business Transformation

  • Reduces 5-year costs from $2M in OpEx to a one-time $350K CapEx investment
  • Supports strategy of faster, more affordable compute, with 30% fewer servers
  • Boosts IT productivity, even as teams transitioned to working from home

IT Transformation

  • Reduces costs and carbon footprint with 30% fewer servers
  • Speeds time to action with 27% faster performance for complex queries
  • Scales easily, with the ability to add or remove nodes in minutes vs. hours

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