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UWM Solidifies its Place as America’s #1 Lender

When its legacy storage began bogging down with simple tasks, United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM) looked to Pure Storage® for a faster, secure, reliable, and more powerful solution.


Known for providing elite client service, UWM has a unique portfolio of proprietary technologies to create faster, easier, and cheaper experiences for mortgage brokers and borrowers. The majority of UWM's infrastructure environment runs on Pure Storage, including high-availability workloads, HR and ERP systems, application development, and real-time data processing on Kafka. UWM can scale as needed, upgrade without disruption, and protect against data loss.


  • Financial Services


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Modernize Data Protection



UWM relies on its unique technologies to engage mortgage brokers, real estate agents, and borrowers. These technologies put heavy demands on its storage infrastructure. As the company grew, its legacy systems became a drag on application and database performance, inhibiting growth and customer excellence. UWM needed an easier way to scale and improve data security without sacrificing performance or profit.

Business Transformation

  • Achieved the ranking of #1 overall lender in the nation in 2022
  • Ranked #1 overall wholesale lender in the nation for 8 consecutive years 
  • Empowers mortgage brokers with powerful, state-of-the-art technology built on the foundation of fast, reliable data

IT Transformation

  • Speeds time to market for new applications and features
  • Improves data security posture and accelerates disaster recovery
  • Scales capacity easily with subscription-based storage

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Pure Storage, Inc.

2555 Augustine Dr.

Santa Clara, CA 95054

800-379-7873 (información general)

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