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Simplyhealth Prioritizes IT Wellbeing

When outages became common across its too complex and difficult infrastructure, Simplyhealth chose a reliable and simple-to-manage alternative—Pure Storage.




Simplyhealth is a leading UK healthcare company serving more than a million individual and corporate customers. Multiple acquisitions introduced multiple IT divisions and rapid growth outran IT budgets, leading to reliability issues and outages. Consolidating IT groups and standardizing on Pure Storage, Simplyhealth can now support its growing business cost effectively.


  • Healthcare


  • EMEA

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Enable Multi-cloud
  • Modernize Data Protection



Growing data volumes put pressure on legacy storage and core systems, which required constant attention, failed frequently, and made management a nightmare. Recent acquisitions introduced multiple disparate IT environments, stressing budgets and reliability. Outages interrupted business and could delay claims processing for customers and providers. Ransomware posed a heightened risk to customer data in this complex environment.


Business Transformation

  • 100% availability enables more reliable health services for customers
  • Modernizes technology stack for business growth and resilience
  • Aligns with sustainable business goals that help communities thrive

IT Transformation

  •  Achieves exceptional performance gains while eliminating reliability issues 
  • 86% fewer server racks simplify management and cuts energy usage and costs
  • Secure data protection with rapid restore capabilities

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