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45:32 웨비나

SQL Server Resilience with Pure Cloud Block Store for Hybrid Cloud

This presentation guides you through the outline of how to ensure data is available wherever and whenever needed, to ensure you can meet the SLAs your business partners expect with as little hassle as possible so you can sleep instead of worry.
This webinar first aired on 2022년 3월 3일 (목)
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  • 비즈니스 연속성
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  • 엔터프라이즈 애플리케이션
  • Cloud Block Store
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  • Microsoft SQL & Exchange 솔루션
  • Microsoft 솔루션
  • FlashArray//X

David Stamen

Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

Anthony Nocentino

Senior Principal Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

Enterprises are looking to provide business continuity across on-premises data centers and disaster recovery within the public cloud. This presentation guides you through the outline of how to ensure data is available wherever and whenever needed, to ensure you can meet the SLAs your business partners expect with as little hassle as possible so you can sleep instead of worry.

Join David Stamen and Anthony Nocentino to discuss:

  • Cloud Use Cases for SQL (Disaster Recovery, Migrations and Test/Dev)
  • Features you cant get with Native Cloud (Capacity Efficiencies and Multi-Attach Failover Cluster)


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We look forward to having you join Pure Storage for this exciting webinar!

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