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0:51 동영상

FlashArrayXL - Performance and Scale Beyond Legacy Storage

The all-new FlashArray//XL is making legacy storage providers nervous. Consolidate more business services—bigger databases, more users, and more app workloads—on fewer arrays with FlashArray//XL.
  • FlashArray//XL
  • 동영상

The all-new FlashArray//XL is making legacy storage providers nervous. Consolidate more business services—bigger databases, more users, and more app workloads—on fewer arrays with FlashArray//XL.

플래시어레이//XL(FlashArray//XL) 체험하기

셀프 서비스 환경에서 퓨어스토리지의 플래시어레이//XL(FlashArray//XL)를 관리할 수 있습니다. 스냅샷, 복제, 액티브클러스터(ActiveCluster™) 및 VMware 통합을 포함한 고급 기능들을 경험해보세요.

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