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3:12 동영상

Data Matters: Energy Strategy

Andrew and Fred discuss the importance of an energy strategy for companies dealing with data storage.
  • ESG
  • 동영상

Andrew and Fred discuss the importance of an energy strategy for companies dealing with data storage. Fred shows that an energy strategy has two advantages: controlling costs and extracting more value from data as it grows exponentially. With the emerging regulations and pressures related to energy use and carbon emissions, companies are advised to deploy an energy strategy to understand and measure their energy usage, similar to the smart meters installed in domestic environments.

Precise measurement of energy consumption can be achieved through smart power distribution units and storage arrays. Companies can reduce server power usage by storing data on efficient storage systems like those from Pure Storage®. This eliminates the need for multiple internal storage devices, reducing power consumption by up to 85% on a per-terabyte basis. Pure Storage facilitates the transition with energy-efficient and space-saving systems.

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