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Supercharge your Infrastructure AND your Balance Sheet
Title: Supercharge your Infrastructure AND your Balance Sheet! Speakers: Andrew Miller, Eugene McGrath, Carlo Grisolia, Brian Ferrar
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      The first 5 minutes of our recorded Webinars are open; however, if you are enjoying them, we’ll ask for a little information to finish watching.

      Join our webinar for a panel session on how to Supercharge your Infrastructure AND your Balance Sheet.

      You can now deploy, manage, protect, and pay for your cloud-smart infrastructure from a single interface: Introducing the new X-Series FlashStack® & FlashStack® as-a-Service, a full stack AI-based, Software-Defined, Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure, delivered as a true flexible consumption utility.

      FlashStack & FSaaS are managed together by Intersight, a single, integrated "control panel" for real-time operational and financial management.

      And of course FlashStack-based Infrastructure remains one the the most secure environments for your business-critical data, with Rapid Restore from anywhere to anywhere, immutable Safemode Snapshots & best-of-breed Ransomware protection.

      We will discuss:

      • Both FlashStack & FlashStack as-a-Service are software-defined from top to bottom, and management and provisioning of both is now AI-based.
      • The new FlashStack architecture has been designed from the ground-up for Hybrid Cloud simplicity and flexible consumption.  FlashStack is the simplest, most efficient way to deploy & manage Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure.
      • FlashStack as-a-Service is part of the oldest and most mature Storage as-a-Service portfolio, and means you'll never be without needed capacity, but you'll only pay for what you consume.

      Andrew Miller

      Principal Technology Strategist, Pure Storage

      Eugene McGrath

      Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

      Carlo Grisolia

      Business Development Specialist, Pure Storage

      Brian Ferrar

      Senior Solutions Marketing Manager, Pure Storage
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