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Join our webinar with special guest speaker, Brent Ozar!

Your users are complaining that their queries are slow. You've tried changing SQL Server settings, tuning indexes, but the problem just won't go away. You've got a hunch that it's a storage problem, but you need real, empirical proof. You need numbers that no one can argue, and you need to know acceptable targets for those numbers. 

In this session, Brent will give you three queries to run on your SQL Server. He'll talk through what good and bad numbers look like, and you'll share your numbers with the overall audience to get a feel for whether your storage is hot or not. 

Brent Ozar - Founder/Owner, Brent Ozar Unlimited

Brent got his start in the late 1990s – first as a developer and systems administrator, then as a full time DBA. He's managed performance and reliability for truly tough servers: tens of terabytes, thousands of databases, thousands of queries per second. He's one of the rare Microsoft Certified Masters, and he's taught at conferences around the world including the PASS Summit, SQLbits, SQL Intersections, and Microsoft Ignite.

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