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E-book, 23 pages

Reinventing Backup and Recovery for AI and ML

While artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are often discussed in terms of use cases, AI/ML data backup and recovery should be top of mind for organizations deploying the technology. Organizations should be asking themselves how much of their AI-generated data needs protection and how their backup and recovery processes need to adapt to take advantage of these rapidly evolving technologies.

TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group surveyed 375 IT and data professionals familiar with and/or responsible for data protection decisions and data science for their organization. “Reinventing Backup and Recovery with AI and ML” assesses the state of the backup and recovery landscape in terms of AI and ML while highlighting current and future use cases for AI and ML in backup and recovery solutions.

In this report, you’ll learn about:

  • The challenges associated with protecting AI data
  • How to leverage AI/ML for better data protection
  • Using AI/ML to improve cyber resilience

“Backup vendors will be on the frontlines as organizations grapple with the consequences of lost AI data that was not backed up or is otherwise unrecoverable.”

Enterprise Strategy Group
Christophe Bertrand, Practice Director & Principal Analyst
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  • 랜섬웨어
  • 인공지능(AI)
  • Data Protection

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