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Confluent and Pure Storage

Confluent, founded by the original creators of Apache Kafka, pioneered the enterprise-ready event streaming platform. Pure Storage® partnered with Confluent to offer the first-ever on-premises tiered storage solution for streaming data, delivering game-changing new capabilities, scale, and performance to your analytics users.

Real-time event streaming based on Apache Kafka is enabling digital transformation in nearly all industries globally. Taking action in batch mode, compared to on a real-time basis, reduces the risk of fraud and empowers data-driven decisions in fraud detection and the customer experience.

Confluent provides Confluent Platform and Confluent Cloud as commercial offerings based on Kafka. Pure’s FlashBlade® is the only officially supported on-premises storage platform for Confluent.

Technology Alliance Partner
Areas of Focus
Streaming Analytics
  • Technology Alliance Partner
  • Analytics & AI
  • Intelligence & Information Management
  • 글로벌


Confluent Tiered Storage with FlashBlade®

With Confluent and Pure, users can infinitely retain and elastically scale their Apache Kafka data without compromising performance. This game-changing solution simplifies streaming architectures so enterprises can easily keep pace with data growth, without sacrificing performance.


White Paper
Apache Kafka on Kubernetes with Portworx

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