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Recovery Point and Pure Storage

Recovery Point partners with Pure Storage to enable enterprise and public sector customers to deliver real-time, secure data to their mission-critical environments.  Together, Recovery Point and Pure Storage develop customized business resiliency solutions based on individual technology demands.

Recovery Point implements hybrid and dedicated business resiliency solutions, consolidating multiple licenses and infrastructure capital investments, into a single consolidated monthly recurring contract. As a FISMA-compliant provider, we specialize in serving enterprises with complex, heterogeneous environments that have stable production environments, but require a sophisticated partner to provide a range of DR platforms and services.

This partnership combines best-in-class storage technology from Pure Storage with Recovery Point’s leading disaster recovery platforms, enabling us  to design and implement flexible and reliable solutions for enterprise clients.

Managed Service Provider [Elite]
Areas of Focus
Back up as a Service (BaaS)
Business Resiliency
Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)
Orchestration & Automation
Private Cloud
  • Managed Service Provider
  • Cloud
  • Data Protection
  • 북미


Case Study
Business Process Resilience: Insurance Powered by Pure Storage

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퓨어스토리지코리아 주소

30F 아셈타워,

517 영동대로,

강남구, 서울


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